Secondary skin lesions

  1. Atrophy
    • Translucent, dry, paper-like, wrinkled skin surface resulting from thinning/ wasting of the skin due to loss of collagen/ elastin 
    •     - striae, aged skin
  2. Erosion
    • Wearing away from superficial epid. causing moist, shallow depressions. Doesn't go to dermus, heal w/o scaring
    •    ex.) scratchmarks/ ruptured vessicles
  3. Lichenification
    Rough, thick, hardened area of epi. resulting from chronic irritation like scrat/ rubbing
  4. Scales
    - shedding flakes of greasy, keratinized skin tissue: color- gray/white/silver   ex.) dry skin, dandruff, psoriasis and eczema
  5. Pallor
    • Resulting of inadequate circulation blood/ hemoglobin and subsequent reduction of tissue oxygenation
    •       Dark skin- no red tones, buccal mucosa
    •       Brown skin- yellowish/ browing tinge
    •       black - ashen gray
    • - Most evident in areas w/ least pigmentation
    •   Ex.) conjuction, oral mucus membrane nail beds, palms, soles of feet
  6. Cyanosis
    • Blueish tinge nail beds, lips, and buccal mucosa
    • - Dark~ look palpebral conjuctiva, palms,sole
  7. Jaundice
    Yellowish tinge 1st seen in solera of the eyes and then in mucosse membrane and skin
  8. Erythema
    - Skin redness ( associated with lots of rashes and other candit)
  9. Hypopigmentation
    ~ decreased pigmentation (vitiligo)
  10. Hyperpigmentation
    - Increased pilgrim ( birthmark)
  11. Vitiligo
    ~ Patches of hypopigmented skin caused by destruction of melanocytes (albinism)
  12. Edema
    • ~ Excess interstitial fluid
    • appears: swollen
    • - shiny
    • - taut and tends to blanck sking color
  13. Skin lesion
    • Alteration in skin appearence
    •   Primary- appear initially in response to a change in ext/int. envirionment if slan
    •   Secondary- result from modifications like chronicity/ trauma/infection if 1 lesion
    •        Ex) vessicle/ bluster = Primary
    •                  -> ruptures causes erosion= secondary.
    • describe lesion in
    • ~ 1. location
    •     2. distributions
    •    3. Configuration
    •         - shape
    •         - size
    •         - firmness
    •         - texture
    •         -  characteristics
Card Set
Secondary skin lesions
set 2