Private Pilot

  1. What  are the requirements for a student pilot certificate?
    • must be 16 years old
    • able to read, speak & understand english
    • hold a 3rd class medicl certificate
  2. Flight review requirements
    Done every 24 months to maintain pilot certificate

    includes 1 hour of ground instruction + 1 hour of flight
  3. Aeronautical Decision making
    Process applied to flight operations decisions

    • can be organized into 5 elements
    •       pilot in command
    •       communication
    •       work load management
    •       resource use
    •       situational awareness
  4. Parts of an airplane
    • Fuselage - body of the plane
    • Powerplant - engine + propeller
    • Wings - made up of ailerons + flaps
    •        aileron - midpoint to tip of wing
    •        flap - from fuselage to midpoint
    • Empennage - vertical + horizontal stabilizers, rudder, + elevator
    •        rudder moves nose right & left
    •        elevator moves nose up & down 
  5. When making a left turn position of aileron....

    When making a right turn position of aileron....
    Left turn: wheel to the left, left aileron moves up & the right moves down.

    Right turn: wheel turns right, right aileron moves up & the left moves down.
  6. Climbing and descending is controlled by...
    the elevator.

    Pull back on yoke & nose & elevator go up.

    Push forwrd on yoke nose & elevator go down.
  7. Ailerons function
    move in opposite direction to creat aerodynamic forces that cause the plane to turn

    extend from about midpoint of wing outward to the tip
  8. Function of the Flaps
    when extended they move simultaneously to increase the lifting force of the wings for takeoffs & landings
  9. Trim Tab
    lessens the resistance you feel  on flight controls due to air flow over the associated control surface.
  10. Function of the empennage
    Surfaces actlike the feathers on an arrow.  Steady the plane & maintain a straight pth through the air.
  11. POH
    Pilot operating Handbook
    Pilots Operating Handbook

    -most pertinent information about a particular make & model of airplane.

    -format stanardized 1975
  12. AFM
    Faa approved manual which is specifically assigned to the individual airplane.

    It can be accessed  by the pilot during flight operations.
  13. Reciprocating Engine
    converts chemical enery of fuel to mechanical energy.

    air/fuel mixture is compressed by  piston then ignited. 

    Combustion creates the energy to turn the crankshaft & propeller.
  14. 4 Strokes  of a reciprocating engine
    • 1. Intake valve opens.  Fuel.air mix is drawn in.
    • 2. Compression intake valve closes. fuel/air mix is compressed.
    • 3. Power spark plug fires & compressed mix is ignited. Controlled burn drives piston providing power to crankshaft.
    • 4. Exhaust
  15. Throttle Function
    controls speed by regulating the amount of aifuel mix
  16. Mixture Control Function
    Controls the fuel/ air ratio
  17. Types of Flight Instuments
    • Magnetic
    • Pitot - Static
    • Gyroscopic
  18. Magnetic instument
    magnetic compass
  19. Pitot -Static Instruments
    • airspeed indicator
    • altimeter
    • vertical speed indicator
  20. Gyroscopic Instruments
    • altitude indicator
    • turn coordinator
    • heading indicator
  21. Pitot Static instuments rely on
    air pressure differences to measure speed and altitude
  22. Instuments using static (surrounding) air pressure
    • airspeed indicator
    • altimeter
    • vertical speed indicator
  23. Instument that uses BOTH static & pitot air pressure?
    Airspeed indicator
  24. Air pressure =
    14.7 pounds/in2 at sea level
  25. Increased altitude does what to air pressure?
    Decreases it.
  26. Decreased temperature does what to air pressure?
    Decreases it.
  27. Define International Standard Atmosphere (ISA)
    • at sea level:
    • standard atmospheric pressure =
    •               29.92 in Hg at 15oC (59oF)
    •                            or
    •               1013.2 millibars             
  28. Standard Lape rate for Altitude
    for each 1000 feet of altitue = 1 inch of Hg.
  29. Standard lapse rate for temperature
    2oC (3.5oF) of temperature per 1000 feet
  30. Pitot air pressure is also called
    RAM or impact pressure
  31. Pitot Tube
    is exposed to the relative wind.
  32. Airspeed indicator uses which air pressure(s)
    both pitot and static air pressure
  33. The air speed indicator tells
    the speed through the air
  34. Airspeed is calculated by
    comparing RAM (pitot) pressure vs. static pressure.

    The greater the difference the greater the speed.
  35. Define the arcs of the airspeed indicator.
Card Set
Private Pilot
Private Pilot written exam