BIO ch 5

  1. eukaryotes differ from prokaryotes because
    • they are larger
    • contain a nucleus
    • mitosis or meiosis
    • organelles
  2. what regulates traffic into and out of the nucleus
    nuclear pores
  3. nucleolus is
    where the rRNA synthesis occurs
  4. what kind of layer does nucleus have
    double lipid bylayer
  5. haploid
    single set of chromosomes
  6. diploid 
    having two sets of chromosomes
  7. histones are 
    proteins where DNA is condensed on
  8. endoplasmic reticulum two types
    • smooth - lipid metabolism, detox reactions
    • rough - ribosomes docked, protein synthesis
  9. mitochondria
    • powerhouse
    • site of respiration
    • has its own genetic material
  10. bacterial endosymbiotic theory
    certain organelles originated as free-living bacteria that were taken inside another cell as endosymbionts
  11. mitochodria developed from
    proteobacteria in particular Rickettsiales
  12. chloroplasts developed from
  13. chloroplasts
    type of plant cell (photosynthesis)
  14. golgi body are
    protein trafficking centers - modifies proteins from the rough ER
  15. cytoskeleton
    • intracellular protein matrix 
    • function is to anchor organelles, moving RNA and vesicles, permitting of shape changes and movement
  16. vascuoles
    storage sites for water, food, enzymes and waste
  17. Dyneien is
    a motor protein in cells which converts ATP energy into the mechanical energy of movement
  18. Eukaryote Flagellum
    • used for locomotion
    • does not spin
  19. eukaryote capsule
    • glycocalyx 
    • similar to prokaryotes
  20. characteristics of fungi
    • terrestrial, non-photosynthetic, saprophytic
    • ergosterol in membrane
    • chitin in cell walls
  21. yeast are what
    single celled forms of fungi
  22. mycelium
    • vegetative part of a fungus
    • formed from hyphae
  23. what holds chromosomes together
  24. how many chromosomes do we have 
    23 pairs  = 46
  25. if two subunits of ribosomes with 40s and 60s would they have a total size of 100s
    • no
    • total size of 80s
  26. actin is
    • micro tubule
    • protein filament found in cytoskeleton
  27. hyphae form...
    mycelium (colony)
  28. are fungi photosynthetic?
  29. Blastospores
    asexual fungal spore produced by budding
  30. saccharomyces is
    useful yeast (vagina)
  31. main charateristics of Algal cells
    • eukaryotic
    • photosynthetic, free living
    • classified by pigments
  32. Dinoflagellates are
    Red tide algae
  33. protists are
    • protozoa
    • eukaryotes
    • single-cell
    • cell wall absent
  34. protists grouped by
  35. two cell forms of protists are
    • trophozoite
    • cyst
  36. trophozoite =
    active feeding stage of a protist
  37. protist dormant stage =
  38. 4 classifications of protists
    • sarcodina (amoebas)
    • mastigophora (have flagella)
    • ciliophora (cilated)
    • apicomlexa (sporozoa)
  39. Sarcodina are
    type of protist
  40. Sarcodina move using
  41. E. histolytica and N. fowleri are what
    important Sarcodina
  42. Ciliophora are and move by
    • type of protist
    • cilia
  43. Trichomonas vaginalis are
    protist that cause vaginal problems
  44. Matigophora are and move by
    • type of protist
    • move by flagella
  45. Sporozoa are
    type of protist that is non-motile
  46. Plasmodium vivax is
    protozoa that causes malaria
  47. two main groups of helminths are
    • platyhelminthes
    • aschelminthes
  48. platyhelminthes are
    flat worms (helminthes)
  49. aschelminthes =
    round worm (helminthes)
  50. cestode =
  51. tremetode =
  52. nematode =
    round worm
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BIO ch 5
BIO chapter 5