NURS 451_Monday

  1. Moderate to severe mental illnesses
    • Anxiety disorders
    • Somatoform/Dissociative Disorders
    • Personality Disorders
    • Eating Disorders
  2. Severe to Psychotic Mental Illnesses
    • Depression
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Dementia
  3. Evidenced Based Practice
    • Treatment approaches for which there is emperical scientific evidence:
    • The art: caring, empathy, attending, patient advocate
  4. Tool used for Diagnosing Mental Disorders
    • Diagnostic and Stastical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., Text Revision (DSM IV, TR)
    • *divides mental disorders into types, based on sx
    • *Classifies diagnoses, not persons
  5. DSM-IV-TR is used to...
    Diagnose psychiatric disorder
  6. DSM-IV-TR: Axis I
    • Mental disorder that is the focus of tx
    • -Tends to be more acute than chronic
    • -Resolvable
    • -Short-term treatment
    • -Responds to meds
    • -Clear onset and remission
  7. DSM-IV-TR:
    Axis II
    • Personality disorders and mental retardation
    • -more chronic
    • -generally begins in childhood
  8. DSM-IV-TR:
    Axis III
    General medical disorder relevant to the mental disorder in Axis I
  9. DSM-IV-TR:
    Axis IV
    Psychosocial and environemntal problems
  10. DSM-IV-TR:
    Axis V
    • Global assessment of functionig (GAF)
    • 100: Excellent
    • 50: needs hospitalization
    • Helps assess pt baseline (some subejctivity)
  11. DSM-IV-TR: Example
    Axis I
    Panic disorder with agoraphobia
  12. DSM-IV-TR: Example
    Axis II
    Obcessive compulsive personality disorder
  13. DSM-IV-TR: Example
    Axis III
    Diabetes Mellitus
  14. DSM-IV-TR: Example
    Axis IV
    Occupational problems: frequent absences from work
  15. DSM-IV-TR: Example
    Axis V
    GAF: 55
  16. 7 signs of mental health
    • 1. happness
    • 2. control over behavior
    • 3. appraisal of reality
    • 4. effectiveness in work
    • 5. healthy self-concept
    • 6. satisfying relationships
    • 7. effective coping strategies
  17. Traits of mental health: Ability to...
    • -deal w/ conflicting emotions
    • -live without undue fear, gulity, or anxiety
    • -take responsibility for one's actions
    • -think clearly
    • -negotiate each developmental task
  18. Factors affecting mental health and nursing assessment
    • -support systems
    • -family influences
    • -developmental events
    • -cultural beliefs and values
    • -health practices
    • -negative influences
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NURS 451_Monday
Ch. 1