Intro Psych

  1. Abnormal: Statistical
    substantial deviation from what is typical
  2. Abnormal: Psycho-social-cultural
    generally considers what is abnormal is a deviation from expected standard (cultural norm)
  3. Abnormal: Personal
    if a person is unhappy with their behavior, then it is not normal
  4. Abnormal: Legal
    To be insane. Inability to control your own behavior
  5. Superstitious Abnormal
    in some way possessed (ex. salem witch trials)
  6. Medical Abnormal
    medical treatment, Prescriptions or surgery
  7. Psychoanalytic Abnormal
    Disorders could be coming from intense conflicts
  8. Behavioral abnormal
    a person's problems is with their behavior. When a person is acting strange, you do not know what is going on in the mind
  9. Humanistic Abnormal
    Prevents growth/happinesss/fulfillment
  10. Social Abnormal
    Problems the person has, realizing that some of our problems do not mesh with that of the social world
  11. Neurotic
    terms that were brought in by freud
  12. Anxiety disorder - Phobia
    fear and phobias are different. phobic response is an intense irrational fear. Expression of it seems disconnected of what would be a logical cause
  13. Anxiety disorder - OCD
    obsession = thought. Compulsion = action
  14. Anxiety Disorder - PTSD
    intense and very persistent feelings of anxiety with feelings of helplessness. people with PTSD often feel responsible for actions that are beyond their control
  15. Somatoform disorder - Conversion reaction
    Hysterical Illness
  16. Dissociate Disorders - Amnesia
    becoming nobody, Memory failure, production of confused identity
  17. Dissociative disorders - fugue
    becoming somebody else, somewhere else
  18. Dissociative disorders - Multiple personality
    becoming lots of people
  19. Depression
    Past event --> depression --> negative views "symptom"
  20. Negative views
    cause of depression
  21. Beck
    Negative views: World, Themselves, Future
  22. Seligman
    learned helplessness
  23. Lewinsohn
    Non-Contingent positive reinforcement
  24. Schizophrenia marked by distrubances in
    Perception,Cognition, Emotion, Behavior
  25. Prognosis
    "not good"
  26. 5 types of schizophrenia
    Disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, undifferntiated, residual
  27. Positive Schizophrenia
    hallucinations and delusions, little intellectual impairment, Good response to anti-psychotic meds (too much dopamine), rapid onset
  28. negative Schizophrenia
    Blunted emotions, intellectual impairment, brain abnormalities, social withdrawl, Gradual onset, poor "prognosis"
  29. Psychoanalysis
    thought up by freud
  30. Phenomenological
    Rogers. Client centered, asks whats wrong, what person wants done about it.
  31. Pels
    Gestalt, larger view of phenomenal therapy
  32. rational emotive
    Ellis, Aggressive, verbally brutal. looks at how people think, not what they do.
  33. behavior modification
    Jones, Classic condtioning, Instrumental, Conditioning
  34. Psychoanalysis
    Freud, ID (pleasure principle), Ego (reality principle), Superego, Neurosis (ID-Ego unconscious conflict)
  35. Fundamental rule of therapy
    free association
  36. 3 stages of therapy
    Resistance, Transference, Catharsis
  37. Role of therapist
    to provide insightful interpretations not judgements. Insights can be achieved through analysis of the patients past history
  38. Stagnation
    partial overlap. Gives goals to be something
  39. Albert Ellis
    Rational Emotive therapy. Abnormal behavior is stupid and irrational and results from the erroneous belief that: Our unhappiness is caused by others, We should be liked by everybody, we should be perfect, we are responsible for others
  40. Trait approach
    cattell - 16 factors. eysenck - 3 factors. both sophisticated measurement
Card Set
Intro Psych
Intro Psych test 4