Body Planes

  1. Circumduction
    What is moving in a circle at a joint?
  2. FLexion
    What is decreasing the angle between two bones, or bending a body part?
  3. Adduction
    What is moving a body part toward the midline?
  4. Proximal
    Body parts close to the point of reference are called
  5. Transverse Plane
    What is the horizontal plane that divides the body into a top half and a bottom half?
  6. Dorsal Cavity?
    What cavity is one long, continuous cavity located on the back of the body?
  7. Rotation
    Turning of a bone on its own axis
  8. Frontal or Coronal Plane
    What plane divides the body into a front section and a back section?
  9. Body Planes
    What are imaginary lines drawn through the body at various parts to seperate the body into sections?
  10. Peritonitis
    What is an inflammation of the abdominal peritoneal cavity?
  11. Nasal Cavity
    What cavity contains the nose structures?
  12. Orbital Cavity
    What cavity contains the eyes?
  13. Distal
    Body parts distant from the point of reference are called
  14. Cranial
    What is the directional term relating body parts located near the head?
  15. Medial
    Body parts close to the midline or plane are called
  16. Midsagittal or Median Plane
    What plane divides the body into equal right and left sides?
  17. Ventral or Anterior
    Body parts in front of the frontal plan are called
  18. Dorsal or Posterior
    Body parts on the back of the body are called
  19. Lateral
    Body parts away from the midline are called
  20. Caudal
    What is the directional term relating body parts located near the sacral region of the spinal column?
  21. Inferior2
    What is the term to refer body parts below other parts?
  22. Thoracic Cavity
    What cavity is located in the chest and contains the esophagus, trachea, bronchi, lungs, heart, and large blood vessels?
  23. Body Cavities
    What are the spaces within the body that contain vital organs?
  24. Lumbar Region
    The abdominal region that is near the large bones of the spinal cord is called?
  25. Upper Abdominal Cavity
    What part of the abdominal pelvic cavity contains the stomache, small intestine, most of the large intestine, appendix, liver,
  26. gallblader, pancrease and spleen?
    Hypogastric Region
  27. INferior
    The abdominal region that is below the stomache is called?
  28. Superior
    What is the term to refer body parts above other parts?
  29. Umbilical Region
    The abdominal region that is near the umbilicus is called?
  30. Buccal Cavity
    What cavity are for the teeth and tongue?
  31. Hypochondriac Region
    The abdominal region that is below the ribs is called?
  32. Ascites
    What is an abnormal accumulation of clear or milky serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity?
  33. Extension
    What is increasing the angle between two bones or straightening a body part?
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Body Planes
Body PLanes