Biology EOC review

  1. unicellular
    one celled
  2. Muilticellular
    many celled with levels of organization
  3. asexual
    oppspring are genetic clones of parent
  4. sexual
    offspring have genetic vatiation from parent
  5. Metabolism
    • energy is required for life processes
    • autotrophs make their own food
    • heterotrohs eat other organisms for food
  6. Homeostasis
    Maintenance or regulation of body conditions suc as body temperature, blood sugar level, water balance
  7. DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid
    is the genetic material that codes for proteins of all organisms.
  8. Response to stimiuli
    responding to the biotic and abiotic factors in the environment are key to survival
  9. growth
    increase in the amount of living matter either by cell division or cell enlargement
  10. development
    any change from conception to death-embryonic, puberty, aging
  11. adaptaions
    structures, behaviors, or processes that aid in an organisms survival are passed on from parent to offspring
  12. Carbohydrates
    composed of momsaccharieds primarily glucose
  13. Lipids
    composed of amino acids-do most of the work in organisms and are major strutural components
  14. Nucleic Acids
    composed of nucleotides-either DNA or RNA
  15. Metabolism
    controlled by the action of enzymes
  16. Enzymes
    proteins that function to spped up chemical reations in the cell
  17. Cell theory
    • Cells are baic unit of life
    • Cells come from existing cells
    • All organisms are composed of cells
  18. Prokaryotic
    • simple
    • has no nucleus
    • has no MB organelles
    • includes bacteria
  19. Eukaryotic
    • complex
    • has a MB nucleus
    • has MB organelles
    • includes protists, fungi, plants, and animals
  20. chloroplast
  21. mitochondria
    cellular respiration......power house of the cell
  22. ribosomes
    protien synthesis (made)
  23. vacuoles
  24. nucleous
    contains DNA and controls cell actions
  25. nucleolus
    site of ribosome formation
  26. endoplasmic reticulum
    protiens travel on
  27. Golgi Apparatius
    modifies and refines the protiens depending on where they are going
  28. plant
    • has cell wall
    • has chloroplasts/plastids
    • has large vacuole
  29. animal
    • no cell wall
    • has no plastids/chloroplasts
    • has small vacuoles
  30. Plasma membrane
    controls homeostasis (balance)
  31. Plasma membrane structure
    composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins "gates"
  32. Plasma membrance function
    acts as a selectively permeable boundary around the cell
  33. diffusion
    moves substances from high to low concentrations down their concentration gradient
  34. Osmosis
    the diffusion of water from high to lower water concentrations down to its concentration gradient
  35. Facilitated diffusion
    movement of a substance down its concentration through a transport protein channel
  36. Active Transport
    requires energy-moves substances against the concentration gradient from low to high concentrations
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Biology EOC review
review for the Biology EOC