
  1. WW2 ends
  2. Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech
    1946-The concept of the Iron Curtain symbolized the ideological fighting and physical boundary dividing Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. On either side of the Iron Curtain, states developed their own international economic and military alliances.
  3. Truman Doctrine announced
    1947-miliary and financial aid. U.S. gave aid to all free peoples resisting communism. Took steps to prevent it from spreading further, not to take it away from where it already was.
  4. Berlin Airlift
    • 1948-The Allies decided to take the unprecedented step of supplying West
    • Berlin from the air, flying cargo to its three airfields, Tegel, Gatow,
    • and Templehof.
  5. Creation of Israel
    • 1948-On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to
    • 13, with 10 abstentions, in favor of a Partition Plan that created the
    • State of Israel.
  6. Creation of NATO
    1949-North Atlantic Treaty Organization. set up to protect western Europe from communist agression w/ nuclear weapons.
  7. Russian explodes A-bomb
  8. China becomes communist
  9. Korean War
    1950-North Communist, South non-communist. North korea invaded south korea. moot war. demilitarized zone between.
  10. Creation of Warsaw Pact
    1955-soviet union's answer. soviet union would protect eastern europe with its nuclear weapons.
  11. Hungarian Revolt
  12. Sputnik orbits earth
    1957-soviet satellite launced into space
  13. Cuba becomes communist
  14. The Bay of Pigs
    1961-cuban exiles trained by CIA attempt to overthrow Castro. No support from president Kennedy.
  15. Berlin Wall constructed
    1961-khrushchev built a wall to seal off East Berlin to keep East Germans from fleeing to the west.
  16. Cuban Missle Crisis
    1962-Cuba's secret build up of nuclear warheads led to U.S. blocking Cuba and threatened invasion withdrew missile in exchange for no invasion.
  17. Vietnam War
    1964-North and South Vietnam. country was reunited under communist rule
  18. America lands man on moon
  19. invasion of czechloslovakia
  20. Soviet War with Afghanistan
    1979-Soviet support of pro-soviet gov't against Muslim Rebels.
  21. Iran Iraq War
  22. Lech Walesa leads Solidarity party
    1980-a plish independent trade union
  23. Gorbachev becomes leader of Soviet Union
  24. Berlin Wall knocked down
  25. Reunification of Germany
  26. Soviet Union Collapses
  27. asylum
    safety. political asylum
  28. superpower
    U.S. and U.S.S.R. strongest and wealthiest countries
  29. Cold War
    tension created from the superpowers. antithesis of eachother in the way their countries were governed.
  30. satellite
    man-made spacevehicles that stay in space, serving any functions. changed the way war was conducted.
  31. containment
    american policy of not to overthrow existing communist countries, but to prevent communism from spreading further. Truman Docterine
  32. Marshall Plan
    financial aid given to the Western European countries to help build war torn economies.
  33. nonaligned nations
    those not involved in either.
  34. Space Race
    1957 space exploration "race" between the Soviet Union and the U.S.
  35. Dominoe Theory
    belief that i there was a communist victory in South Vietnam that it would cause noncommunist gov'ts across s.e. asia to fall into communism.
  36. Vietcong
    north vietnemese communists
  37. tet offensive
    1968 unexpected attack on U.S. and South Vietnemes marked a turniing point in public opinion on U.S.
  38. Coup d'etat
    military takeover of gov't
  39. glasnost
    a greater "openness" to Soviet society restrictions on speech and press lifted, dissidents released, restrictions on travel and emigration lifted.
  40. perestroika
    restructuring away from central planning toward individual initiative and freer markets.
  41. detente
    attempt to ease tensions
  42. European Unions
    creation of common market in Europe to eliminate custom duties, unify currencies, increase free trade
  43. Common Market
    European Economic community in 1951 cooperation among western europe helped to accelerate aeconomic growth , shared resources.
  44. service industry
    industry that provides a service, not a product
  45. welfare state
    system in which the government takes responsibility fro its citizens' social and economic needs
  46. dissident
    someone who speaks out against the government
  47. JFK
    35th president of the USA from 61-63, during cuban missle crisis, bay of pigs, civil rights, assasinated
  48. LBJ
    president 63-69. became pres after JFK was murdered. the architect of "The Great Society" social programs to reduce poverty and improve living conditions among the poor
  49. Dick Nixon
    pres 69-74. resigned from office amidst the Watergate Scandle 1973 negotiated to end american involvement in the VietnamWar
  50. Nikita Khrushchev
    soviet leader after Stalin's death. Berlin wall
  51. Mikhail Gorbachev
    Soviet Union Leader
  52. Lech Walesa
    polish dissident founder of Soliderity, a trade union
  53. Pol Pot
    leader of Cambodia. aka khmar rouge leader
  54. Fidel Castro
    guerilla fighter overthrew cuba's dictatorship
  55. Boris Yeltsin
    after breakup of S.U., he became pres. of Russia
  56. Ho Chi Minh
    popular nationalist leader who created a communist state in North Vietnam
  57. Charles DeGaulle
    French General, set up 5th Republic and became pres. of France
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cold war dates