Managment Information System - H. Chung

  1. A Business Process
    • A business process is an ongoing collection of related activities that create
    • a product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners,
    • and/or its customers. A process has inputs and outputs, and its activities can
    • be measured.
  2. cross-functional business process
    A process in which no single functional area is responsible for its completion; multiple functional areas collaborate to perform the function.
  3. business environment
    The combination of social, legal, economic, physical, and political factors in which businesses conduct their operations.
  4. Information technology (IT)
     relates to any computer-based tool that people use to work with information and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organization.
  5. information system (IS) 
    collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific purpose.
  6. computer-based information system (CBIS) 
    is an information system that uses computer technology to perform some or all of its intended tasks.
  7. Potential IT impacts on managers
    • IT may reduce the number of middle managers;
    • IT will provide managers with real-time or near real-time information, meaning that managers will have less time to make decisions;
    • IT will increase the likelihood that managers will have to supervise geographically dispersed employees and teams.
  8. Potential IT impacts on nonmanagerial workers:
    • IT may eliminate jobs;
    • IT may cause employees to experience a loss of identity;
    • IT can cause job stress and physical problems, such as repetitive stress injury.
  9. enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems 
    Information systems that correct a lack of communication among the functional area ISs by tightly integrating the functional area ISs via a common database.
  10. information system (IS) 
    Collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates information for a specific purpose.
  11. information technology components 
    Hardware, software, databases, and networks.
  12. information technology infrastructure 
    IT components plus IT services.
  13. information technology platform  
    Formed by the IT components of hardware, software, networks (wireline and wireless), and databases.
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Managment Information System - H. Chung
Managment Information System CSULB