Soc Final

  1. Power
    Ability to achieve goals despite opposition from others
  2. Politics
    Social Institution through which power is acquired and excercised by some people and groups
  3. Traditional Authority
    Kings, Queens, Pharoahs, Emperors and religious dignitaries
  4. Charismatic Authority
    Politicians, Soldier, or entertainers
  5. Rational Authority
    legal, Elected or appointed government officials and officers in a formal organization
  6. Monarchy
    Kings, queens
  7. Democracy
  8. Totalitarian
    total control over people's lives
  9. Authoritarian
    rule by rulers, deny public input
  10. Pluralist model
    Functionalist, Decisions are made on behalf of the people by leaders, Competition among leadership groups makes abuse of power difficult, People can influence public policy by voting, power is disbursed throughout interest groups. Critique: People who are poor in our society, don't have someone to speak for them
  11. Elitist model
    Conflict theory: Power is concentrated at the top of a pyramid shaped hierarchy, Public policy reflects the values and preferences of the elite. Sociological Imagination: C. Wright Mills. Sociological Mindfullness: Schwable
  12. Iron Triangle of power
    also known as Military industrial complex. Congress budgets funds for defense projects. Department of Defense. Defense contractors contribute to political action committees, lobby congress
  13. transnational corporation
    Business in more than one country. Don't pay import taxes, cheap labor, raw materials, less safety standards, no unions
  14. Oligopoly
    Condition when several companies control overwhelming stakes in an industry. Comes from Oligarchy, Ruled by a few
  15. Sick role - Functionalist
    people who are sick are exempt from obligations but must want to get well and seek competant help
  16. Conflict: Inequalities in health and health care
    Problems in health care are rooted in the capitalist system
  17. symbolic interactionist: social construction of illness
    People socially construct "health" and "illness" and how treat them.
  18. Medicalization
    process by which medical professionals take something that is not a medical problem or issue then define as treatable and medical
  19. postmodernist: the clinical gaze
    doctors gain power through observing patients to gather information, thus appearing to speak wisely
  20. Five Characteristics of professions
    Abstract, Autonomy, Self regulation, Authority, Altruism
  21. Demography
    Study of populations, way populations change, size, composition
  22. Changes in population
    Occur as a result of: Fertility, Mortality, and migration
  23. Fecundity
    maximum number of children a women can have
  24. Malthusian Perspective
    If left unchecked, population could achieve available food supply. Population increases in geometric progression (2,4,8,16..). food supply would only increase by an arithmetic progression (1,2,3,4..)
  25. Marxist perspective
    using technology, food can be produced for a growing population. Overpopulation will lead to the eventual destruction of capitalism. Workers will become dissatisfied and develop class-consciousness because of shared oppression.
  26. Megacity
    More than 10 million people. Examples: Tokyo, LA, NYC, Lagos, Calcutta, Shanghai
  27. Concentric zone model
    Created by Burgess. Due to invasion, succession and gentrification, cities are a series of circular zones, each characterized by a particular land use.
  28. Gentrification
    Lower class gets kicked out by higher class trying to revamp society.
  29. Collective behavior
    Voluntary, Spontaneous behavior that is engaged by a large number of people, breaking dominant norms.
  30. Factors that contribute to Collective behavior
    Structural factors that increase the chances of people responding in a particular way. Timing. Breakdown in social control Mechanisms
  31. Casual Crowds
    People who happen to be in the same place at the same time
  32. Conventional crowds
    people who come together for a scheduled event and share a common focus
  33. Protest crowds
    crowds that engage in activites intended to achieve political goals
  34. Expressive crowds
    people releasing emotions with others who experience similar emotions
  35. acting crowds
    collectives so intensly focused that they may erupt into violent behavior
  36. relative deprivation
    people are discontent when they compare their achievements with others join social movements to get their "fair share"
  37. Social Construction: Frame Analysis
    Used to determine how people assign meaning to activities and processes in social movements. Garfman
  38. Social Movement: Reform
    movements seek to improve society by changing an aspect of the social structure
  39. Social movement: revolutionary
    movements seek to bring about a total change in society
  40. Social movement: religious
    movements seek to produce radical changes in individuals and typically are based on spiritual or supernatural belief systems
  41. Social Movement: Alternative
    movements seek limited change in some aspect of people's behavior
  42. Social movement: resistance
    movements seek to prevent or undo change that has already occured.
  43. Conditions necessary for social movements
    structural conduciveness, structural strain, spread of a generalized belief, precipating factors, mobilization for action, social control factors
  44. Premilary stage
    first stage. People begin to become aware of a threatening problem
  45. Coalescence stage
    2nd stage. People begin to organize and start making the threat known to the public
  46. Institutionalization stage
    3rd stage. Organizational structure develops
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Soc Final
Soc Final