Ethics & Values

  1. Autonomy
    The commitment to include client in decisions about all aspects of care
  2. Beneficence
    Taking positive actions to help others
  3. Nonmaleficence
    Avoidance of harm or hurt
  4. Justice
  5. Fidelity
    Agreement to keep promises
  6. Code of Ethics
    A set of guiding principles that all member of a profession accept.  Codes serve as guidelines when questions arise about correct behavior or practice
  7. Advocacy
    refers to the support of a cause
  8. Responsibility
    A willingness to respect obligations and to follow through on promises
  9. Accountability
    the ability to answer for one's own actions
  10. Confidentiality
    HIPPA mandates the confidential protection of clients' personal health info
  11. Value
    A personal belief about the worth of a given idea, attitude, custom, or object that sets standards that influence behavior
  12. Deontology
    • Immanuel Kant:
    • * based on actions of right or wrong based on their "right- making characteristics such as fidelity to promises, truthfulness, and justice"
    • * Does NOT look to consequences of action to determine right or wrong but exams the situation.
  13. Utilitarianism
    • * AKA consequentialism.  Based on the consequences.
    • * AKA teleology (the end)-- Mills:  the greatest good for the greastest number of people.
Card Set
Ethics & Values
Definitions in Chapter 22 of Potter and Perry's Fundamentals of nursing