FET 10-12 ABFE.txt

  1. Emergency Essence
    • Angelsword
    • Crowea
    • Dog Rose of the Wild Forces
    • Fringed Violet
    • Grey Spider Flower
    • Sundew
    • Waratah

    Creams. Slender Rice Flower and Spinifex

  2. Protection and repair of aura
    Interference with true spiritual connection to Higher Self; spiritually possessed; spiritual confusion
    • Angelsword
    • 10, 12
  3. Worrying and feeling "not quite right"
    • Crowea
    • 10
  4. Fear of losing control
    • Dog Rose of the Wild Forces
    • 10
  5. Repair of aura. Protection from being led by others ie cults
    Damage to aura; distress; lack of psychic protection
    • Fringed Violet
    • 10, 12
  6. Terror
    • Grey Spider Flower
    • 10
  7. Ungrounded. Disconnected. Shock
    • Sundew
    • 10
  8. Inability to respond to crisis
    • Waratah
    • 10
  9. By hurting others you hurt yourself
    • Slender Rice Flower
    • 10
  10. Victim to illness. Physical ailments
    • Spinifex
    • 10
  11. Stale relationships. Self interest. Unaware
    • Bush Gardenia.
    • 11
  12. Dislike of being touched. Lack of sensitivity in males. Uncomfortable with intimacy
    • Flannel Flower.
    • 11
  13. Initial grief, sadness and upset of either a relationship
    • Red Suva Frangipani
    • 11
  14. Female imbalance; inability to conceive for non-physical reasons
    • She Oak
    • 11
  15. Difficulty with commitment
    • Wedding Bush
    • 11
  16. Feeling uncomfortable with sex; closed sexually; macho male
    • Wisteria
    • 11
  17. Feeling separated, deserted, unloved or morbid
    • Sydney Rose
    • 11
  18. Unhappy, taking for granted, unmindful, unthankful
    • Pink Flannel Flower
    • 11
  19. Shame; inability to accept the physical self; physical loathing
    • Billy Goat Plum
    • 11
  20. Emotional distress associated with intestinal and skin disorders
    • Green Essence
    • 11
  21. Unresolved mother issues; overwhelmed by major life changes - old age, adolescence, parenthood, pregnancy, approaching death
    • Bottlebrush
    • 12
  22. Lack of abundance; sense of lack; poor stewardship of one's possessions
    • Christmas Bell
    • 12
  23. Difficulties in the transition of passing over from the physical plane to the spiritual world
    • Autumn Leaves
    • 12
  24. Not knowing to look for and move into the Light when passing over; earth bound in the astral plane
    • Lichen
    • 12
  25. Perturbation; confusion; spiritual emergence; initial turmoil and void of spiritual initiation
    • Mint Bush
    • 12
  26. Nightmares and phobias from past life experiences; intense negative reactions to the sight of blood
    • Green Spider Orchid
    • 12
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FET 10-12 ABFE.txt
FET 10-12 ABFE