FET 10-12 BFE.txt

  1. Rescue Remedy - All
    • Star of Bethlehem
    • Rock Rose
    • Impatiens
    • Cherry Plum
    • Clematis

  2. Shock, Grief, Fright
    • Rescue Remedy - Star of Bethlehem
    • 10
  3. Terror, Panic, Frozen in Fear, Helplessness
    • Rescue Remedy - Rock Rose
    • 10
  4. Mental Stress, Tension, Easily irritated
    • Rescue Remedy - Impatiens
    • 10
  5. Desperation, Fear of losing control
    • Rescue Remedy - Cherry Plum
    • 10
  6. Bemused, Faraway, Lack of interest in present, Out of Body feeling which often precedes fainting or loss of consciousness
    • Rescue Remedy - Clematis
    • 10
  7. Feeling of despair, uncleanness, disgust. Has said or done something contrary to true nature
    • Crab Apple
    • 11
  8. For those who have definite ideals & ambitions in life & are fulfilling them, but on rare occasions are tempted to be led away from their own ideas, aims & work by the enthusiasm, convictions or strong opinions of others
    • Walnut
    • 12
Card Set
FET 10-12 BFE.txt
FET 10-12 BFE