words 01/16/13 ESL33B

  1. persueadepers-weyd

    *We persuaded her to change the date of the meeting.

    *We persuade him of how angry she is.
    • [verb] (transitive)
    • - to make someone do something
    • - to make someone believe truth

    • <Word Family>
    • persuasion / persuasiveness (noun)
    • persuasive (adj)
  2. disputedis-pute

    *We disputes the future of hemp.

    *We disputed how to carry out our plan.
    • [verb]
    • to engage in argument: ARGUE
    • to fight to get control or to win of something

    • <Word Family>
    • dispute / disputer / disputation / disputant (noun)
    • disputant / disputatious / disputed / disputable (adj)
  3. contradictioncontrr-diction

    *Your actions are in contradiction to with your words.

    *I give a contradiction to her statement.
    • [noun]
    • - a lack of agreement (between / to)
    • - the act of saying is wrong or not true

    • (TIP)
    • I can say, without fear of contradiction, that ...
    • (It is 100% true that ...)

    • <Word Family>
    • contradictory (noun)
    • contradict (verb)
    • contradictious / contradictory (adj)
    • contradictiorily (adv)
  4. antagonistanti-ganist

    Once close friends, they became antagonists in business.
    • [noun]
    • a person who strongly opposes someone/something

    • (TIP)
    • *more at OPPONENT
    • *ANT: protagonist

    • <Word Family>
    • antagonism (noun)
    • antagonize (verb)
    • antagonistic (adj)
    • antagonistically (adv)
  5. asserta-zert

    *Obama asserts his words are true.

    *Obama asserted his rights of gun problem.
    • [verb] (transitive)
    • - to state positively
    • - to make people recognize your right

    • <Word Family>
    • assertion / assertiveness (noun)
    • assertive (adj)
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words 01/16/13 ESL33B