HESI A&P Nervous System

  1. What does the nervous system essentially consists of?
    Brain, Spinal Cord, & Nerves
  2. This system allows us to perceive and _______ to internal & external environments. 
  3. All actions of the nervous system depend on the transmission of _______ impulse over neurons.
  4. What is the functional unit of the Nervous System??
  5. Dendrites transmit nerve impulse _______ the cell body.
  6. Axons transmit nerve impulse _____ from the cell body.
  7. What is the PNS (Peripheral Nervous System) composed of?
    All the nerves that transmit nerve impulses towards the CNS (Central Nervous System).
  8. Sensory (Afferent) neurons transmit nerve impulses Towards or Away from the CNS?
    Towards, to be processed by the brain.
  9. Motor (Efferent) neurons transmit nerve impulses Towards or Away from the CNS?
    Away, it transmits nerve impulse to effector organs such as muscles, glands, and digestive organs. 
  10. Sensory Neurons are...
  11. Motor Neurons are...
  12. What is the CNS (Central Nervous System) composed of?
    Brain & Spinal Cord
  13. What is the CEREBRUM associated with?
    Movement & Sensory Input
  14. What is the CEREBELLUM associated with?
    Muscular Coordination
  15. What is the MEDULLA OBLONGATA associated with?
    Controls many vital functions such as respiration and heart rate.
  16. How long is the Spinal Cord?
    ~18 in.
  17. From where to where does the Spinal Cord extend?
    From the base of skull to the 1st or 2nd Lumbar Vertebra (L1 or L2)
  18. How many Nerves exit the Spinal Cord?
    31 pairs (62)
  19. What are Simple (Spinal) Reflexes?
    They are those in which nerve impulses travels through the Spinal Cord ONLY and DO NOT reach the Brain. 
  20. Sensory (Afferent) impulses enter the ______ horns of the spinal cord.
  21. Motor (Efferent) impulses leave through the _______ horns of the spinal cord.
Card Set
HESI A&P Nervous System
Nervous system portion of the A&P HESI exam