Medical Abbreviations 'C'

  1. C1, C2...
    • first cervical vertebra
    • second cervical vertebra
  2. CA (3)
    • 1. cancer
    • 2. cardiac arrest
    • 3. chronilogical age
  3. Ca
    • Calcium
    • Cancer
  4. CABG
    coronary artery bypass graft
  5. CAD
    coronary artery disease
  6. CAH (2)
    • 1. Chronic active hepatitis
    • 2. congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  7. CAT
    computed axial tomography
  8. Cath
    Catheterization, Catheter
  9. CBC
    complete blood count
  10. cc*
    cubic centimeters (same as milliliters)
  11. CCU
    coronary care unit
  12. CDH
    congenital dislocation of hip
  13. CF
    cystic fibrosis
  14. CHD
    coronary heart disease
  15. chemo
  16. CHF
    congestive heart failure
  17. Chol
  18. CLL
    chronic lymphocytic leukemia
  19. CK
    • 1. creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme)
    • 2. conductive keratoplasty
  20. cm
  21. CML
    chronic myelogenous leukemia
  22. CNS
    central nervous system
  23. c/o
    complains of, complaints
  24. CO
    cardiac output
  25. CO2
    carbon dioxide
  26. COPD
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  27. CP
    cerebral palsy
  28. CPAP
    continuous positive airway pressure
  29. CPD
    cephalopelvic disproportion
  30. CPK
    creatine phophokinase (enzyme released into the bloodstream after heart attack)
  31. CPR
    cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  32. CRF
    chronic renal failure
  33. CRRT
    continuous renal replacement therapy
  34. C&S
    culture & sensitivity
  35. CS, C-section
    Cesarean section
  36. CSF
    cerebrospinal fluid
  37. CT
    computed tomography
  38. CTS
    Carpal tunnel syndrome
  39. CV
  40. CVA
    cerebrovascular accident,

    costovertebral angle
  41. CVD
    cardiovascular disease
  42. CVS
    Chorionic villus sampling
  43. CWP
    childbirth without pain
  44. CXR
    • 1. chest x-ray
    • 2. chest radiograph
  45. cysto
Card Set
Medical Abbreviations 'C'