ADJUS 1 Finals

  1. Top 3 reasons why people choose police work
    • Variety
    • Responsibility
    • Serve Public
  2. 3 Levels of Federal Court System
    • 1. US Supreme Court
    • 2. US Circuit Courts of Appeal
    • 3. US District Courts
  3. How long do you have after the incident to legally file a claim with the police department?
    6 months
  4. 4 Complaint disposition
    • 1. Unfounded-did not occur
    • 2. Exonerated-did occur but justified
    • 3. Not sustained-insufficient evidence to prove/disprove allegations
    • 4. Sustained-act allegedly occured
  5. The Federal Court System
    • 51 separate court system:
    • 1 Federal
    • 50 State system
  6. Who is the US Supreme Court Chief Justice?
    Chief Justice John Roberts
  7. US Supreme Court
    • 1 Chief Justice
    • 8 Associate Justices
    • nominated by the POTUS
    • confirmed by the US Senate
  8. US Circuit of Appeals
    • 12 regional circuit courts of appeals
    • 1 circuit courts of appeals for the federal courts
  9. Secret Court
    • Established in 1978 by congress under the Foreign Interlligence Surveillance Act.
    • Federal judges rotates
    • Suspects are denied some rights.
  10. Why is Terminal Island the 1st prison corporation?
    • Federal Prison Industries a US govt program that use prison labor for refurbish, repair, and recondition office furniture, equipment, tires, and etc.
    • wages: $0.12-$1.35/hr
  11. Federal Correctional Institution (FCI) Terminal Island
    • -med security
    • -all male facility
    • -approx 1K senteced federal offenders
    • -an Immigration Hearing Site
  12. When did FCI Terminal Island became part of the Reservation Point?
    June 16, 1936
  13. Reservation Point was also known as "_ __ __" before it became part of FCI Terminal Island.
    "Dead Man's Island"
  14. When did FCI Terminal Island went under construction?
  15. How much was the cost for the institution (FCI TI)?
  16. FCI TI_Navy
    • WW II FCI TI was commisioned as a Naval Disciplinary Barracks
    • -housed cour-martialed prisoners
    • -deactivated by the Navy on June 30, 1950
  17. FCI TI_CA
    • Leased by the state of California
    • -converted into a Medical Facility
    • -700 convicted felons
  18. FCI TI_Bureau of Prison
    • -Resumed administration from 1955-present
    • -became the only fed facility to house both men and women prisoners
    • -1977 women were moved to the new women's facility at Pleasanton, CA
  19. FCI TI_current stat
    • -all males
    • -1130 inmates
    • -average age: 36 yrs
    • -most are incarcerated for drug related offenses
    • -large number of Hispanic inmates due to Immigration Hearing Site
  20. CA Levels of Courts
    • 1. CA Supreme Courts
    • -7 justices
    • 2. Court of Appeal
    • -6 Appelate district
    • 3. Suprior Courts
    • -58 in the state (for each county)
    • -total of 1499 judges
  21. Who is the Chief Justice of CA Supreme Court
    Ronald George
  22. What percentage of family in CA live in a poverty level?
  23. African America poverty rate:
    12% - 17%
  24. How many people are currently unemployed in CA?
    over 1M people
  25. Poverty capital in the entire US?
    Long Beach, CA
  26. Poverty in LB:
    • -19% live below federal poverty level
    • -rate of children in poverty was above the national state and local averages 27%
    • - 18-64 yrs old 57%
    • <18 yrs old 38%
    • 65 and older 5%
    • -Married couples 45%
    • Single Female household 31%
    • -Hispanics 55%
    • Blacks 17%
    • Asians 14%
  27. The maximum amount of $ a prisoner can spend in the prison canteen.
  28. 4 security levels in prison
    • Level 1 - open dorm w/out secure perimeter
    • Level 2 - open dorm w/secure perimeter fences & armed coverage
    • Level 3 - individual cells, fenced perimeters, & armed covverage
    • Level 4 - cell, fenced wall perimeter, electronic security, more staff, and armed security officers
  29. 4 private state prisons in CA
    • Victor Valley - San Bernadino County
    • Desert View
    • Central Valley - Mc Farlen
    • Goldern State - Mc Farlen
  30. LA county correction facilities and jail
    • -9 detention centers
    • -33 state prisons and 4 private prisons
    • -overly crowded = early release program
    • -biggest in the nation
  31. Private prisons:
    • -35B/year industry
    • -27 states have private prisons
    • -15% cheaper than state prisons
  32. 3 Private prisons:
    • 1. Correction Corporation of America (largest private prison corp)
    • 2. Wakken Hut Corrections Corporation (foreign)
    • 3. Pricore
  33. US Constitution
    -protects citizens against abuse of police power
  34. Bill of Rights
    First 10 Amendments to the US Constitution which are considered especially important in the processing of criminal defendants
  35. 1st landmar case:
    • Search & Seizure
    • Weeks vs. US 1914 (Mr. Weeks suspected using US mail to sell lotter tickets-home searched w/out seach warrant)
  36. Exlutionary Rule
    evidence illegaly collected/seized cannot be used in trial
  37. Police subculture
    the set of informal values that characterized the police forces as a district community with a common identity
  38. Police corruption
    the abuse of force authority of personnel and organizational gain
  39. Rampart scandal:
    • corruption 2000-2001
    • -officers falsyfying evidence to the theft and sale of illegal drugs
    • -police running drug ring while eliminating competitions from civillial dealers
    • -Officer Rafael Perez stole $1M worth of cocaine
  40. Saint Margaret's Food Pantry
    • -all volunteer organization
    • -must be a resident of South Gate
    • -Teresa Cypert - founder
  41. Food banks:
    • 1. Antelope Valley 33.2% 25,000 people
    • 2. South Bay area (includes LB) 32% 126,000 people
  42. First apperance
    an appearance before a magistrate during whick the legality of the defendant's arrest is initially assessed and the defendant is informed of the charges on which he/she is being held. at this stage bail may be set or pretrial release arranged
  43. Bail
    • -the most common release/detention
    • 1. helps ensure reappearance of the accused
    • 2. prevents unconvicted persons from suffering imprisonment unnecessarily
  44. Filibuster
    speaking or talking out a bill
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ADJUS 1 Finals