- Simple Squamous Epithelium
- -skin
- -scribly shapes with dots
- Stratified Squamous Epethilial
- -esophagous/skin
- -light pink dots
- Simple Cuboidal
- -kidneys/pancreas
- -secretory glands
- -light pick/pale orange
- Simple Columnar Epithelial
- -small intestine
- -"kiwi"
- -pink and white
- Pseudostartified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium
- -"false layer"
- -"lasagna"
- -orange/blue/pink
- Transitional Epithelium
- -ureter/urinary bladder
- -layers with dots
- -"bacon"
- -expand and recoil
- Areolar
- -collagen
- -brown with dark brown dots
- Adipose
- -storage of A,D,E,K
- -white boxes surrounded by red
- Reticular
- -spleen/heart/lungs
- -red dots
- -"cranberries"
- -framework and anchoring of organs (holds them in place)
- Dense Regular
- -tendon-muscle to bone
- -pink and red (yellow)
- -purple dots and lines
- Dense Irregular
- -scalp
- -purple and peach
- Hyaline Cartilage
- -trachea
- -chondorcyte-forms cartilage (cells)
- -lacuna-space holding chondrocytes
- -beige and purple
- Fibrocartilage-clusters of chondrocytes
- -intervertebral disks-shock asorbers of spine
- -purple/blue/pink
- -cotton
- Nerve
- -brain/spinal cord
- -light pink/blue neurons
- Skeletal
- -musculosketal system
- -striations
- -found in postural muscles
- -pink with purple dots
- Cardiac
- -heart muscle
- -intercalated disks-tight junction
- -zebra stripes
- -indigo and white
- Elastic Cartilage
- -ear auricle
- -indigo
- -clusters
- Smooth Muscle
- -spindle shaaped
- -corkscrew contraption
- -artery/stomach
- -pick with purple dots