Critical Thinking I

  1. If a patient has a fever, which points would you select?
    • GV 14 (below SP of C7)
    • LI 11
    • LI 4
  2. If a patient is suffering from a coma, which points would you select?
    • GV 26 (junction of upper third and middle third of the philtrum)
    • Shixuan (tips of 10 fingers, about 0.1 cun distal to the nails)
  3. If a patient is suffering from night sweats, which points would you select?
    • SI 3 (when a loose fist is made, point is on ulnar end of distal palmar crease, prox to 5th MCP joint, on end of transverse crease and junction of red and white skin)
    • HT 6 (when palm faces upward, point is on radial side of tendon flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun above transverse crease of wrist)
  4. If a patient suffers from a clenched jaw, which points would you select?
    • ST 7 (on face, ant to ear, in depression between zygomatic arch and mandibular notch. Pt is located with mouth closed.)
    • ST 6 (one fingerbreath ant & sup to lower angle of mandible where masseter is prominence when teeth clenched)
    • LI 4
  5. If a patient is suffering from a cough or has asthma, which points would you select?
    • CV 22 (center of suprasternal fossa)
    • Dingchuan (0.5 cun lat to GV 14)
  6. If a patient is suffering from suffocated chest, which points would you select?
    • CV 17 (4th ICS, midline)
    • PC 6 (2 cun above wrist crease, between tendons)
  7. If a patient suffers from cardiac pain, which points would you select?
    • PC 6 (2 cun above wrist crease, between 2 tendons)
    • PC 4 (5 cun above wrist crease on line connecting PC 3 [transverse cubital crease at ulnar side of tendon biceps] and PC 7 [middle of transverse crease between 2 tendons] between 2 tendons)
  8. If a patient suffers from hypochondriac pain, which points would you select?
    • TE 6 (3 cun above dorsal wrist crease)
    • GB 34
  9. If a patient suffers from abdomenal distention, which points would you select?
    • CV 6 (1.5 cun below umbilicus)
    • ST 36
  10. If a patient suffers from constipation, which points would you select?
    • TE 6 (3 cun above dorsal wrist crease)
    • KD 6 (depression below tip of med malleolus)
  11. If a patient suffers from convulsions, which points would you select?
    • LI 4
    • LR 3
  12. If a patient suffers from epitaxis (nose bleeds), which point would you select?
    • GV 23 (1 cun above ant hairline)
    • LI 4
  13. Du 14, LI 11 and LI 4 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Coma
    b) Constipation
    c) Fever
  14. Du 26 and Shixuan are good for which symptoms?

    a) Fever
    b) Coma
    c) Constipation
  15. SI 3 and HT 6 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Coma
    b) Night Sweats
    c) Constipation
    Night Sweats
  16. ST 7, ST 6 and LI 4 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Fever
    b) Coma
    c) Clenched Jaw
    Clenched Jaw
  17. Ren 22 and Dingchuan are good for which symptoms?

    a) Fever
    b) Night Sweats
    c) Cough
  18. Ren 17 and PC 6 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Cough
    b) Suffocated Chest
    c) Clenched Jaw
    Suffocated Chest
  19. PC 6 and PC 4 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Cardiac Pain
    b) Coma
    c) Suffocated Chest
    Cardiac Pain
  20. SJ 6 and GB 34 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Suffocated Chest
    b) Hypochondriac Pain
    c) Cardiac Pain
    Hypochondriac Pain
  21. Ren 6 and ST 36 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Abdominal Distention
    b) Night Sweats
    c) Cardiac Pain
    Abdominal Distention
  22. SJ 6 and KD 6 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Cardia Pain
    b) Constipation
    c) Suffocated Chest
  23. LI 4 and LR 3 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Coma
    b) Convulsions
    c) Hypochondriac Pain
  24. Du 23 and LI 4 are good for which symptoms?

    a) Fever
    b) Epistaxis
    c) Convulsions
Card Set
Critical Thinking I
Critical Thinking I MT #1 (Table 18)