Production Managment Final

  1. in recent years the area of operation managements has undergone major changes worldwide with new manufactoring techniques and philosophies. Thes changes are due to the success adquired by the japanese in this area that directly affect the production of goods and services in each country
    Introduction Chapter 15
  2. It notes that the initial interest of the Japanese administration is centralized in the employee-management relationship and not on manufacturing methods. This is why the observation of this vision management provides a good basis for study of the techniques joponesas. There are certain American philosophy
    Japanese Administration
  3. Japanese administration includes?
    • Lifetime employments
    • low evaluation and promotion process
    • Non-specialized career
    • implicit control mechanisms
    • collective decision making
    • collective responnsabilidad
    • genuine concern for the welfare of employees
  4. Japan's success depends on ?
    culture, environment, management skills and beliefs in relation to people
  5. the American philosophy promotes?
    • short-term employment
    • rapid evaluation and promotion
    • specialized careers
    • explicit control mechanisms
    • Individual decision making
    • individual responsabildad
    • part by the employee concern
  6. Japonese Manufactoring philosophies?
    • Just IN Time (JIT)
    • Manufacturing vs Pull system.manufactoring push system
  7. a combination of philosophy and manufacturing methods that emphasize three aspects
    Just IN Time (JIT)
  8. JIT is a combination of philosophy and manufacturing methods that emphasize three aspects?
    • reduction of waste
    • total quality control
    • devotion to the customer
  9. the waste reduction seeks to eliminate waste during the manufacturing process eliminated any stage that does not add value to the product. It is used for value added manufacturing method that seeks to eliminate everything that adds no value to the product during the production process.
    reduction of waste
  10. There are seven areas of waste:
    • overproduction
    • waiting time at the production line
    • transportation of materials
    • waste in the production process
    • inventory in excess of the required
    • excess movement by the employee
    • defective products
  11. The total quality control is a Japanese approach that emphasizes continuous improvement through the attention paid to manufacturing detail alcznzar rather than a set amount in a standard of quality. Continuous improvement is accomplished through quality circles. Quality circles is a method that consists of a group of small dishes and employees who meet frequently to resolve quality problems
    total quality control
  12. To reach the customer devotion to the Japanese system states that you must produce what the customer wants in the amount headquarters and with perfect quality
    devotion to the customer
  13. Pull manufactoring system is a production system where goods are produced only when ordered by the customer. It is based on the JIT system.The pull system is a Japanese method of planning that emphasizes simplicity, flexibility and close coordination between the workplace.Although it is produced according to the orders placed, the system recognizes that current demand can vary and therefore it is prepared to adapt to changes in production.
    Manufacturing vs Pull system.manufactoring push system
  14. control system that pulls the produccionn reducing inventory JIT production methods.It controls the flow of materials using cards that allow a workstation to transfer or produce materials.
    Kanban system
  15. In the push manufactoring system system instead manufactoring goods are produced according to a schedule (MPS) derived from an anticipated demand?
    It is based on the MRP system
  16. Quality is a crucial element for the long term supervision of all organizations. The management of quality starts and ends as responsibility of the operations manager
    Introduction Chapter 16
  17. the degree to which design specifications for a product are appropriate for your function, and the extent to which the product meets design specifications.
    Definition of Quality
  18. important and desirable characteristics of a product or service, specified in detail during the design phase
    Design specifications
  19. When a product is close to the design specifications is classified as?
    High Quality
  20. if a product deviates greatly from the design specifications is ?
    Poor Quality
  21. are determinded by the wishes of a specific market and technical requirements needed in the stages of production?
    Design specifications that determine quality
  22. T/F
    Quality management.When handling the concept of quality, baby manager determine if it is consistent with organizational strategy. It is the organizational strategy that determines the role of quality in the manufacturing process. once it determines the quality paper it must be understood by all employees at all levels of the organization.It then noted that the quality depends not only on individuals but that it involves internal and external elements.
  23. The quality elements involved:
    • Internal elements
    • external elements
  24. Quality internal elements includes?
    employees= the same employees have the authority and tools to correct errors as most of the low spots can be determinadasindividualmente quality.

    facilities= The same facilities should provide a safe environment and be constantly inspected stop contributing to quality.

    materials = materials must comply with design specifications to facilitate the work and eliminate waste by faulty equipment.
  25. Quality external elements includes?
    clients = clients decide and specify the quality they want. The wishes of the customer is the basis for quality objectives of the company.

    suppliers= the same suppliers provide the raw material for the final product. Controls two important elements for the company, the quality of material and time of delivery. Most of the companies seeking certification from the supplier to avoid the initial inspection so that the supplier becomes part of the team of the company.
  26. quality control chart that uses the average of the samples.
    X chart
  27. Limits of control?
    • UCL (upper control limit)
    • LCL (Lower Control Limit)
  28. the margins that define the variation in the characteristics of a product so that the production process remains in control ?
    control limits
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Production Managment Final