Chapter 11/12

  1. Emotion
  2. a response of the whole organism involving physical arousal, expressive behaviors, an conscious experience
  3. HALTS
  4. Hungry
    • Angry
    • Lonely
    • Tired
    • Serious-state of mind-doesn’t make you choose the best option
  5. Communication Theory
    • our words/language-7% is heard by other person
    • Paralanguage- 38%-intonation of voice
    • Nonverbal Cues-55% gestures/body language
  6. 1. One's personal response to events or conditions experienced either directly or indirectly
    2. The confusion created when one's mind overrides the body's basic desire to choke the living daylights ou of some jerk who desperately needs it
  7. Stressors come from 3 things
    • 1. Castastrophes-hurrican
    • 2. Life changing events-marrital status, loss of job, pregnancy
    • 3. Daily Hassels-housework, driving
  8. Stress effects in 4 areas
    • Each of us have a different perspective for each of these areas
    • 1. Physical
    • 2. Mental
    • 3. Emotional
    • 4. Spiritual
  9. General Adaptation Syndrome(GAS)
    • 1. Alarm-mobilized resources-fight or flight-adrenaline kicks in
    • 2. Resistance-coping with stressor and trying to find a solution
    • -whenever you are angry that is resistance
    • -not living in harmony
    • 3. Exhaustion-you have no more
    • -delete adrenaline
    • -reserves are depleated
    • -not an infinate supply
    • -will cause great pain and problems-
    • -negative hamster wheel
  10. 2 ways to deal with stress
    • 1. Exercise
    • 2. Relaxation Techniques-learning how to quiet and still your mind
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Chapter 11/12