Infant Development

  1. continuous
    characterization of development as a gradual, smooth process of change
  2. infant mortality rate
    number of deaths per 1000 live births usually reported with reference to the age of 1 year
  3. infant school movement
    an early 19th century movement imported to the US from Europe in which educators believed that children as young as 18 months could be educated and taught to read
  4. literary evidence
    written information, including parents' diaries, and letters, childrearing advice written by ministers and doctors, and children's books
  5. material culture
    physical evidence, such as toys, clothing, furniture, and works of art
  6. nature
    biological factors influencing development
  7. nurture
    environmental and experiential factors influencing developmentĀ 
  8. oblation
    medieval European practice involving the permanent "donation" of an infant or young child to a monastery
  9. quantitative archival evidence
    official sources of written information and data, including census data, tax records, and legislative and court records
  10. stagewise
    characterization of development as occurring in distinct phases, with qualitative differences between stages
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Infant Development