Muscular system and Skin

  1. my/o


    • Inflammation of muscle
  2. muscul/o

    • muscle
    • Acting on or attracted to muscle tissue
  3. in/o

    • fiber
    • Hardening of tissue from an increase of fibers
  4. fasci/o


    • fascia
    • Binding (suture) of a fascia to a tendon or other fascia
  5. ten/o, tendin/o

    • tendon
    • Ossification of a tendon
  6. ton/o


    • tone
    • Having a strengthening action on the heart
  7. erg/o


    • work
    • Study of the efficient use of energy during work
  8. kin/o, kine, kinesi/o, kinet/o


    • movement
    • Movement (adjective: kinetic)
  9. aponeurosis
    A flat, white, sheet-like tendon that connects a muscle with the part that it moves
  10. creatine
    A substance in muscle cells that stores energy for contraction
  11. glycogen

    A complex sugar that is stored for energy in muscles and in the liver
  12. isometric

    Pertaining to a muscle action in which the muscle tenses but does not shorten (literally: same measurement)
  13. isotonic

    Pertaining to a muscle action in which the muscle shortens to accomplish movement (literally: same tone)
  14. kinesthesia
    • Awareness of movement; perception of the weight, direction, and degree of movement

    • (-esthesia means “sensation”)
  15. lactic acid
    An acid that accumulates in muscle cells functioning without enough oxygen (anaerobically), as in times of great physical exertion. The lactic acid leads to muscle fatigue, after which it is gradually removed from the tissues
  16. Motor unit
    A single motor neuron and all of the muscle cells that its branches stimulate
  17. myoglobin

    A pigment similar to hemoglobin that stores oxygen in muscle cells
  18. oxygen debt
    The period during which muscles are functioning without enough oxygen. Lactic acid accumulates and leads to fatigue
  19. Chvostek sign

    Spasm of facial muscles after a tap over the facial nerve; evidence of tetany
  20. occupational therapy
    Health profession concerned with increasing function and preventing disability through work and play activities. The goal of occupational therapy is to increase the patient’s independence and quality of daily life
  21. physical therapy
    Health profession concerned with physical rehabilitation and prevention of disability. Exercise, massage, and other therapeutic methods are used to restore proper movement
  22. rheumatology
    The study and treatment of rheumatic diseases
  23. Trousseau sign

    Spasmodic contractions caused by pressing the nerve supplying a muscle; seen in tetany
  24. Ach
  25. ALS
    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
  26. CFS
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  27. C(P)K
    Creatine (phosphor)Kinase
  28. CTS
    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  29. EMG
    Electromyography, Electromyogram
  30. FMS
    Fibromyalgia Syndrome
  31. NMJ
    Neuromuscular Junction
  32. OT
    Occupational Therapy/Therapist
  33. PRICE
    Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
  34. PT
    Physical Therapy/Therapist
  35. MG
    Myasthenia Gravis
  36. RLS
    Restless Leg Syndrome
  37. ROM
    Range of Motion
  38. RSI
    Repetitive Strain Injury
  39. RTC
    Rotator Cuff
  40. MMT
    Manual Muscle Test(ing)
  41. SITS
    Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis (muscles)
  42. Cutaneous
    Pertaining to the skin
  43. derma
  44. dermis
    The layer of the skin between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue; the true skin or corium
  45. Epidermis
    The outermost layer of the skin
  46. hair
    A threadlike keratinized outgrowth from the skin
  47. hair follicle
    The sheath in which a hair develops
  48. integumentary system

    The skin and its associated glands, hair, and nails
  49. keratin
    A protein that thickens and toughens the skin and makes up hair and nails
  50. melanin
    A dark pigment that gives color to the hair and skin and protects the skin against the sun’s radiation
  51. nail
    A plate-like keratinized outgrowth of the skin that covers the dorsal surface of the terminal phalanges
  52. sebaceous gland

    A gland that produces sebum; usually associated with a hair follicle
  53. sebum
    A fatty secretion of the sebaceous glands that lubricates the hair and skin
  54. skin
    The tissue that covers the body; the integument
  55. subcutaneous tissue

    The layer of tissue beneath the skin; also called the hypodermis
  56. sudoriferous gland

    A sweat gland
  57. derm/o, dermat/o


    • skin
    • Surgical procedure used to resurface the skin and remove imperfections
  58. kerat/o


    • keratin, horny layer of the skin
    • Loosening or separation of the horny layer of the skin
  59. melan/o


    • dark, black, melanin
    • A cell that produces melanin
  60. hidr/o

    • sweat, perspiration
    • Absence of sweating
  61. seb/o


    sebum, sebaceous gland

    Excess flow of sebum
  62. trich/o


    • hair
    • Fungal infection of the hair
  63. onych/o


    • nail
    • Inflammation of the nail and nail bed
  64. atopic dermatitis
    Hereditary, allergic, chronic inflammation of the skin with pruritus (itching); eczema
  65. basal cell carcinoma

    An epithelial tumor that rarely metastasizes and has a high cure rate with surgical removal
  66. cicatrization
    The process of scar formation; a scar is a cicatrix
  67. debridement
    Removal of dead or damaged tissue, as from a wound
  68. dehiscence
    Splitting or bursting, as when the layers of a wound separate
  69. dermatitis

    Inflammation of the skin, often associated with redness and itching; may be caused by allergy, irritants (contact dermatitis), or a variety of diseases
  70. dermatology

    Study of the skin and diseases of the skin
  71. dermatome

    Instrument for cutting thin sections of skin for skin grafting
  72. eczema

    A general term for an inflammation of the skin with redness, lesions, and itching; atopic dermatitis
  73. erythema
    Diffuse redness of the skin
  74. escharotomy

    removal of scab tissue (eschar) resulting from burns or other skin injuries
  75. evisceration
    Protrusion of internal organs (viscera) through an opening, as through a wound
  76. exudate

    Material, which may include fluid, cells, pus, or blood, that escapes from damaged tissue
  77. Kaposi sarcoma

    Cancerous lesion of the skin and other tissues seen most often in patients with AIDS
  78. keloid

    A raised, thickened scar caused by tissue overgrowth during scar formation
  79. Lupus Erythematosus (LE)

    A chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease of connective tissue that often involves the skin; types include the more widespread Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and a Discoid Lupus Erythematosus (DLE) that involves only the skin
  80. malignant melanoma
    A metastasizing pigmented tumor of the skin
  81. pemphigus

    An autoimmune disease of the skin characterized by sudden, intermittent formation of bullae (blisters); may be fatal if untreated
  82. pressure ulcer
    An ulcer caused by pressure to an area of the body, as from a bed or chair; decubitus (de-KU-bi-tus) ulcer, bedsore, pressure sore
  83. pruritus

    Severe itching
  84. psoriasis
    A chronic hereditary dermatitis with red lesions covered by silvery scales
  85. rule of nines
    A method for estimating the extent of body-surface area involved in a burn by assigning percentages in multiples of nine to various regions of the body
  86. scleroderma
    A chronic disease that is characterized by thickening and tightening of the skin and that often involves internal organs in a form called progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS)
  87. squamos cell carcinoma

    An epidermal cancer that may invade deeper tissues but tends not to metastasize
  88. acne

    An inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles usually associated with excess secretion of sebum; acne vulgaris
  89. actinic
    Pertaining to the effects of radiant energy, such as sunlight, ultraviolet light, and x-rays
Card Set
Muscular system and Skin
roots and suffixes