Server Hardware Support Chapter 1 Vocab

  1. Server
    Any device or application that performs a service requested by another device or application.
  2. Client
    A device or application that is requesting the services of another device or application.
  3. Application Server
    A computer running on a network whose job it is to run individual programs for the users, and process data on their behalf.
  4. Dedicated Application Server
    A single computer running on a network whose sole job it is to run individual programs for the users, and process data on their behalf. 
  5. Distributed Application Server
    Two or more computers running on a network whose job it is to run individual programs for the users, and process data on their behalf. 
  6. Peer-to-Peer Application Server
    A situation in which all computers running on a network may function as either a client or a server. 
  7. Mail Server
    A server or server application that collects internet mail messages from a service provider and distributes them to the appropriate user. 
  8. Fax Server
    A server or server application that transmits a network user's documents over a telephone wire or internet service to another user's fax machine or fax application.
  9. FTP Server
    A server or server application that stores larger files and makes them available for distribution over the network or Internet. 
  10. Anonymous Login
    The ability of a user to access a server without having to provide a user ID or password.
  11. Universal Resource Locator
    A user-friendly name that identifies the location of a specific
  12. Remote Access Server
    A server or server application that permits a user to log on to the network over a telephone wire or the Internet from a computer not physically located on the local area network. 
  13. Web Server
    A server or server application that manages hypermedia and distributes it over the Internet
  14. Scope
    A database of available addresses maintained by a DHCP server
  15. DHCP Lease
    The amount of time a DHCP client is allowed to hang on to a lease assigned by a DHCP server.
  16. Domain Name System
    A protocol that resolves Web site addresses to the host server's IP address.
  17. Dot Server
    Any one of a number of servers that maintains the database of URLs and IP addresses for Web sites with a particular suffix (for example, .com or .gov)
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Server Hardware Support Chapter 1 Vocab
The Complete Guide to Servers and Server+ Chapter 1 Vocabulary