1. this is Image Upload 2
    not symbol
  2. not symbol
    Image Upload 4
  3. for not operation
    input is opposite of output
  4. input is opposite of output
    for a not operation
  5. Image Upload 6this is
    Or symbol
  6. Or symbol
    Image Upload 8
  7. for or operation
    true only if one or more input conditions are true
  8. true only if one or more input conditions are true
    for or operation
  9. Image Upload 10this is the
    Decimal Number systems
  10. Image Upload 12what according to decimal system
    Image Upload 14
  11. Image Upload 16 equals what
    Image Upload 18
  12. Image Upload 20this is ?
    Binary Number system
  13. Image Upload 22 convert to binary
    Image Upload 24
  14. Image Upload 26this equals
  15. 37.25 equals what in binary
    Image Upload 28
  16. Image Upload 30This is binary
  17. Binary addition rules are?
    Image Upload 32
  18. Image Upload 34this is binary
  19. Binary Subtraction is
    Image Upload 36
  20. Image Upload 38this is binary
  21. Image Upload 40
    compliment rules
  22. What are the compliment rules/steps
    Image Upload 42
  23. Image Upload 44
    How to identify negative and positive numbers
  24. Image Upload 46
    rules for addition for signed numbers
  25. rules for addition for signed numbers
    Image Upload 48
  26. Image Upload 50
    hexidecimal number system
  27. Image Upload 52
    binary to hexidecimal
  28. Image Upload 54
    how to convert binary to hexadecimal
    Image Upload 56
  29. Image Upload 58
    rules for hexadecimal addition
  30. Image Upload 60
    rules for hexadecimal subtraction
  31. Image Upload 62
    converting octal numbers
  32. Image Upload 64
    octal number system
  33. Image Upload 66
  34. Image Upload 68
  35. Image Upload 70
    Binary to Gray
  36. how to do binary to gray
    Image Upload 72
  37. Image Upload 74
    Gray to binary
  38. How to do gray to binary
    Image Upload 76
  39. Image Upload 78
  40. Image Upload 80
  41. Image Upload 82
    Boolen variable logic
  42. What is Boolen variable logic for logic 0 and logic 1
    Image Upload 84
  43. Image Upload 86
    Not Operation
  44. Rules for not operation
    Image Upload 88
  45. Image Upload 90
    Rules for and gate
  46. Rules for and gate
    Image Upload 92
  47. Image Upload 94
    rules for or gate
  48. rules for or gate
    Image Upload 96
  49. Image Upload 98
    Boolean operations
  50. Image Upload 100
    nand gate rules
  51. nand gate rule
    • nand gate produces a low output when all inputs are high: otherwise, the output is high
    • nand operation is x = A *B
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