Home Meds - Week 3

  1. Synthroid
    • Class:
    • Thyroid Agent

    • Rx'd:
    • Replacement of thyroid hormone, prevent and treat goiter
  2. Prilosec
    • Class:
    • GI Drug

    • Rx'd:
    • Treatment of gastroesophogeal reflux disease and other conditions involving excess stomach acid production
  3. Celebrex
    • Class:
    • NSAID (specifically Cox-2)

    • Rx'd:
    • Rheumatoid arthritis, adenomatous colorectal polyps and menstrual cramps
  4. Paxil
    • Class:
    • Antidepressant

    • Rx'd:
    • Depression, OCPD, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, stress disorder
  5. Zocor
    • Class:
    • Antilipemic Agent

    • Rx'd:
    • Reduce amount of total cholesterol
  6. Zestril
    • Class:
    • Hypotensive Agent / ACE Inhibitor

    • Rx'd:
    • Lower BP, treat CHF, improve survival rate after heart attack
  7. Trimox
    • Class:
    • Penicillin Antibiotic

    • Rx'd:
    • Treat various infections
  8. Levoxyl
    • Class:
    • Thyroid Agent

    • Rx'd:
    • Replacement of thyroid hormone, prevent and treat goiter
  9. Cephalexin
    • Class:
    • Antibiotics: Cephalosporins

    • Rx'd:
    • Treat various bacterial infections
  10. Ambien
    • Class:
    • Sedative/Hypnotic

    • Rx'd:
    • Sleep induction and relaxation
  11. Celexa
    • Class:
    • Antidepressant

    • Rx'd:
    • Depression
  12. Pravachol
    • Class:
    • Antilipimic Agent

    • Rx'd:
    • Cholesterol lowering agent
  13. Prednisone
    • Class:
    • Steroid (adrenal)

    • Rx'd:
    • Arthritis, Lupus, Chrohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Psorisis
  14. Alprazolam
    • Class:
    • Benzodiazepine

    • Rx'd:
    • Treat anxiety, tension, nervousness, and panic disorders
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Home Meds - Week 3
Home Meds - Week 3P