English Midterm

  1. Transcendentalism
    Believed that intuition and the individual conscience "transcend" experience and thus are better guides to truth than are the senses and logical reason. Influenced by Romanticism, they respected the individual spirit and the natural world, believing that divinity was present everywhere, in nature and in each person. Included: Emerson and Thoreau
  2. Naturalism
    Tended to view people as hapless victims of immutable natural laws.
  3. Realism
    Tried to write objectively about ordinary characters in ordinary situations. They reacted against Romanticism, rejecting heroic, adventurous, or unfamiliar subjects. The Naturalists followed them and traced the effects of heredity and environment on people helpless to change their situation.
  4. Crevecoeur
    America is great, melting pot, American dream fully possible
  5. Great Gatsby
    American dream impossible, must be born rich
  6. The speaker of "To My Dear and Loving Husband" addresses:

    A. Her husband
  7. Since his love is too great for her to repay, the speaker wishes that:

    C. The heavens reward her husband
  8. What chief emotions does the speaker in Bradstreet's poem express?

    C. Love for and happiness with her husband
  9. The lines "If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were lov'd by wife then thee" illustrate the Puritan Plain Style because they:

    B. Use simple, common words
  10. Which statement below is the best paraphrase of the following lines?
    If ever wife was happy in a man,
    Compare with me ye women if you can.

    D. No woman could be happier with her husband than I am
  11. The speaker in"Huswifery" addresses:

    C. The Lord
  12. Around what task or tasks does "Huswifery" center?

    A. Dyeing cloth
  13. The central idea of "Huswifery" expresses the speaker's desire to:

    A. Receive God's grace
  14. In "Huswifery", what is Taylor's most likely reason for using vivid and elaborate images atypical of the Puritan Plain Style?

    D. He wants his words to shine with God's glory
  15. When the speaker says "Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will,
    Affections, judgement, conscience, memory
    My words, and actions,", he is:

    B. Asking God to guide his thoughts, words, and deeds
  16. What contrasting images does Edwards use to describe God’s wrath?

    a) heat and cold
    b) sunlight and rain
    c) darkness and light
    d) fire and water
    d) fire and water
  17. What does the apparel at the end of "Huswifery" stand for?

    C. God's grace
  18. To paraphrase either poem, which would you do first?

    A. Read the information in the footnotes
  19. As a preacher, Edwards uses his sermon to:

    A. Frighten his congregation into seizing the opportunity of salvation
  20. What is the central message of the sermon?

    B. The only hope for salvation is through Christian rebirth
  21. Edwards' vivid descriptions of Hell are meant to:

    D. Frighten his audience
  22. Which of these people or forces does the sermon indicate is the most powerful?

    A. God
  23. Edwards assumes that the members of his congregation believe that they are:

    D. Sinful
  24. What contrasting images does Edwards use to describe God's wrath?

    C. Fire and water
  25. Edwards uses the phrase "dead in sin" to describe:

    C. Those who have not yet experienced the grace of conversion
  26. Toward the end the end of the sermon, Edwards' tone shifts from:

    B. Frightening to hopeful
  27. According to the final paragraphs, sinners may be able to obtain:

    B. Salvation
  28. To which chief emotion does Edwards appeal in the following passage of the sermon?
    "How awful is it to be left behind at such a day! To see so many others feasting, while you are pining and perishing."

    B. Envy
  29. One popular method of persuasion is the bandwagon technique, which suggests that a person should do something because everyone else is doing it. Which of these passages best illustrates that technique?

    • D. "Many are daily coming from the east, west, north, and south; many
    • that were very lately in the same miserable condition that you are in,
    • are now in a happy state."
  30. The use of a biblical quotation at the end of the sermon strengthens Edwards' argument by:

    D. Associating it with an authority respected by his audience
  31. Based on the context clues, what does exquisite most likely mean in this passage?
    "There will be no end to this exquisite horrible misery."

    D. Sharp, intense
  32. Which line below contains an example of direct address?

    A. "And make Thy holy spirit, Lord, wind quills"
  33. Which one of the following elements is not a characteristic of the Puritan Plain Style?

    A. Metaphors
  34. The Puritans believed that poetry:

    B. Should serve God by clearly expressing only useful or religious ideas
  35. In the opening chapter, what does the narrator hear when Ethan lets him in the house?

    C. The droning voice of a woman
  36. Who is Michael Eady?

    B. The rich grocer
  37. What did Ethan study in college?

    C. Science
  38. Why is Mattie so ill-suited to working on the farm?

    C. Because she was raised to be a lady
  39. Why does the Silver family essentially abandon Mattie?

    D. Her father lost all of their money
  40. What was Ethan's reputation in college?

    B. Quiet and stiff, but likable
  41. What accessories does Mattie wear to accentuate her face?

    B. A red scarf and hair ribbon
  42. What keeps Ethan from taking Mattie coasting on the night that Zeena is gone?

    B. There is no moon out
  43. What does Ethan do with the broken pickle dish?

    A. He puts the pieces back on the shelf
  44. Why is the dish so important to Zeena?

    D. It was a wedding present from her aunt
  45. What is the name of the town in which the story is set?
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English Midterm
English Midterm