Characteristics of Invertebrates
- -no backbone
- -96%of animals are invertebrates
Body Plans
- Bilateral Symetry= two halves
- Radio Symetry = five halves
- A Symetry = no symetry
helps them responsed to our enviroment
large clump of nerves
digestive organs that break down foods
- -Phyem Porifera -regenerable
- -most simple animals -asexual reproduction
- -no symetry,nerves, tissue, guts
- -filter feeders- filter water through small pores release through big hole at top
Phylem Cnidaria
- -ex. jellyfishes and anninomes
- -has nerves, guts, tissues
- -will sting you
Body forms of Cnidarians
- Medusa - stingers point down Ex jellyfishes
- Polypes - stingers point up Ex anemone
Stingy Cells
- -paralyzing prey
- -defense against predators
Phylem Platyhelmintho
- Flat worms - bilateral symetry, eye spots, ex. planarians- live in freshwater
- Fluke - parasite
- Tapeworm - attach to the inside of digestive system
Phylem Mollusca
- gastropods stomach foot - ex. snail, slugs
- Bivavles - ex. clams, oysters
- Cephalopods - ex. squid, octopus
Characteristics of Antropods
- -segemented bodies
- -jointed limbs
- -exoskelton
- -nervous system
Centepede and Milipede
- 1 pair of antennae
- 1 pair of mandibles
- -posionous
- -one pair of legs per segement
- -herbivore
- -2 pairs of legs per segment
Class Crustcea
- -ex. shirmp, crab, lobster, and barnicles
- -gills
- -mandibles
- -2 compound eyes
- -2 pairs of anntenae
Class Arachinida
- ex. spiders, ticks, and scorpions Cephalothorax - head and thorax
- 4 pairs of legs
- simple eyes
- Chelicerae - fangs
Class Insecta
- largest group of antropods
- 3 segemented bodys- head, thorax, abdomen
- 6 legs
- 2 antennae
change in an insect form larvae to adult
Complete Metamorphis
- 4 parts
- eggs, larvae, pupa, adult
- ex. butterflies
Incomplete Metamorphsis
- 3 parts
- eggs, nymph, adult
- ex. grasshoppers
Phlyem Echirodermats
- ex. sea stars, sand dollars, sea urchins
- -spiny invertebrates that live in the ocean
- -eat shellfish and alagae
- -endoskelton
- -Radical Symetry
- -radial nerves
Water Vascular System
-uses system to move, eat, and breath