1. What is OS?
    • Operating System
    • example: Windows 7
  2. What is ZIF?
    • Zero Insertion Force
    • example: a socket uses a small lever to apply EVEN force when installing a microchip into a socket.
  3. What does UAC stand for?
    • User Account Control
    • example: a dialog box in Vista/Win 7 asking to perform an action with administrative privileges.
  4. What is POST?
    Power-On Self Test
  5. What is SATA?
    • Serial ATA
    • example: a cable connected to HDD or DVD drive (faster technology).
  6. What is SSD?
    • Solid State Device
    • example: like a HDD but runs faster (smaller in size and space capacity).
  7. What is TRACE?
    A wire on a circuit board that connects two components or devices.
  8. What is Volatile? Give an example.
    • Refers to a kind of RAM that is temporary, can't hold data very long, and must be refreshed.
    • Example: Memory stick/module
  9. Explain Task Manager.
    A Windows utility allowing a user to view processes running on the computer.
  10. What is an octet?
    A term used for each of the four 8-bit numbers that make up an IP address.
  11. What does NIC stand for?
    Network Interface Card.
  12. What is a cross-over cable?
    • A cable used to connect two PCs into simplest network possible.
    • Example: 2 Hubs connects to 2 Switches
  13. Explain Bandwidth.
    • The RANGE of a frequency that a communications channel can carry.
    • Example: Think of a pipe - the bigger the space, the more data can carry.
  14. What does DHCP stand for?
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  15. What is a WAN?
    • Wide Area Network
    • example: city wide
  16. What is a MAN?
    • Metro Area Network
    • example: building
  17. What is a CAN?
    • Campus Area Network
    • example: business/school
  18. What is a LAN?
    • Local Area Network
    • example: Room
  19. What does FAT32 stand for?
    File Allocation Table 32-bit
  20. What does NTFS stand for?
    New Technology File System
  21. What is BIOS?
    Basic Input/Output System
  22. What is a gateway?
    A computer or other device that connects networks.
  23. What is IPconfig?
    • A command used maining in DOS/Unix.
    • example: when used can display TCP/IP configurations info.
  24. What is ICS?
    Internet Connection Sharing
  25. What does HAL stand for?
    Hardware Abstraction Layer
  26. An IDE HDD ribbon has _______ pins.
  27. An FDD Ribbon has ______ pins?
  28. What is the primary function of a power supply?
    To conver AC to DC to break down 120 volts AC to 12 Volts/ +5/-5
  29. What is a kernel?
    The portion of an OS that is repsonsible for interacting with the hardware.
  30. What is IP?
    • Internet Protocol
    • example: Rules of communication controlling data into packets and its routing processes.
  31. What is a heat sink?
    A piece of metal with cooling fins, that can be attached to or mounted on a CPU to dissipate heat.
  32. What does HDD stand for?
    Hard Disk Drive
  33. What is RAM?
    • Random Access Memory
    • example: installed on motherboard as a stick/module for memory
    • hint: Dynamic/Voltile
  34. Name three internet browsers.
    Internet Explorer (IE), Mozdilla Firefox, Safari (MAC).
  35. What is PATA?
    Parallel ATA
  36. What is a NAT?
    • Network Address Translation
    • example: protocol used to connect PRIVATE IP addresses to a PUBLIC IP addresses, before a data packet is sent over the net.
  37. Name 3 parts of a magnetic HDD.
    • 1. Sectors
    • 2. Tracts
    • 3. Cluster
  38. What is the #1 enemy of a computer?
  39. What are two main things to consider when installing an OS?
    Choosing between 32 bit and 64 bit compatibilities.
  40. What is PING?
    • Packet Internet Groper
    • (used as a windows/unix command)
  41. What is the basic equation for Power?
    • P = IE
    • (power equals voltage times current)
  42. The first part of an IP address is.....
    ....to identify the network.
  43. The second part of an IP address is.....
    ....identify the host.
  44. What does a ferrite clamp do?
    Acts as a filter to protect against eletrical interference.
  45. What is email port 25 and 110?
    Indicate differences.
    • Port 25 = SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol)
    • Port 110 = POP3
  46. What is an example of a form factor?
    • Decribes the physical size of a computer parts.
    • example: computer case, i.e. full tower, mid tower, and desktop
  47. What does MAC stand for?
    Media Access Control
  48. MAC Addresses are
    What does the first 3 octets indicate?
    What does the last 3 octets indicate?
    • First 3 octets indicate the manufacturer's number.
    • Last 3 octets indicate the unique number given to device.
  49. What is the typical use for port 80?
    For email
  50. What is 802.3 used for?
  51. What are the 3 main components of the processor?
    • 1. I/O Unit
    • 2. Control Unit
    • 3. ALU (arithmetric logic units)
  52. This subnet mask is in what category?
    Cat B
  53. When it comes to color-coded wiring, what is RED, BLACK and WHITE?
    • RED = hot wire
    • BLACK = ground wire
    • WHITE = neutral
  54. What is a bit?
    Binary digit (0s and 1s)
  55. What does DNS stand for?
    Domain Name System/services
  56. What is a DIP switch?
    • Dual inline package
    • example: a switch on a circuit board set to on/off to hold a configuration.
  57. What is cmd?
    means...command (used in DOS/Unix)
  58. What are the two main types of storage?
    • 1. Primary
    • 2. Secondary
  59. What are the two main types of a PORT?
    • 1. Physical
    • 2. Virtual
  60. What does GUI stand for?
    • Graphic User Interface
    • (example: windows OS)
  61. What is SHELL?
    The portion of an operating system that relates to the user and application.
  62. What is POP?
    • Post Office Protocol
    • (most common is POP3, however it's being replaced by IMAP).
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Computer Terminology and explanations