AH1 Ex1 Ch.20 Post-Op

  1. Airway Obstruction
    A conditions where the base of the tongue falls backward against the soft palate and occludes the pharynx; most pronounced in the supine position and in the patient who is extremely sleepy after surgery
  2. Atlectasis
    An abnormal condition characterized by the collapse of alveoli, preventing the respiratory exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in a part of the lungs
  3. Bronchospasm
    Narrowing and obstruction of the lumen of the bronchi caused by spasm of the peribronchial smooth muscle; may occur postoperatively as a result of endotracheal intubation or in patients with chronic bronchitis and asthma
  4. Delayed Awakening
    Longer than normal recovery from anesthesia that is usually related to prolonged drug action
  5. Emergence Delirium (Violent Emergence)
    A neurologic alteratin in recovery from anesthesia that can include behaviors such as restlessness, agitation, disorientation, thrashing, and shouting
  6. Epidural Analgesia
    The infusion of pain-relieving medications through a catheter placed into the epidural space surrounding the spinal cord
  7. Fast Tracking
    A system of routing patients through the postanesthesia care unit (PACu) depending on the type of anesthesia and surgery experienced and expected discharge from the unit
  8. Hiccups
    Intermittent spasms of the diaphragm caused by irritation of the phrenic nerve, which innervates the diaphragm
  9. Hypoventilation
    Decreased respiratory function characterized by decreased respiratory rate or effort, hypoxemia, and an increasing PaCO2 (hypercapnia)
  10. Rapid Postanesthesia Care Unit Progression
    The rapid progression of patients through Phase I; used for both inpatients and outpatients
  11. Syncope
    Fainting that may occur with decreased cardiac output, fluid deficiets, or defects in cerebral perfusion
  12. Wound Dehiscence
    Separation and disruption of previously joined wound edges
Card Set
AH1 Ex1 Ch.20 Post-Op
Post-Op Definitions