All Milestones at 1 month?
- Gross motor: Turns head in supine, chin up in prone,
- Fine motor/visual: hands fisted near face, gazes, follows face, Sucks well
- Social: recognizes mother's voice, cries
- Language - makes sounds in addition to crying
All milestones at 2 months?
- Gross motor: chest up in prone/ lifts head to 45 degrees in prone, steadies head briefly
- Fine motor/vision: hands unfisted 50% of time, holds hands together, holds item if placed in hand
- Social: reciprocal smiling, responds to voice
- Language: coos
All milestones at 3 months?
- Gross: props up on forearms in prone, rolls to side
- Fine: hadn unfisted 50% of time, inspects fingers, bats at objects, brings hand to mouth
- Social: reaches for parents face, visually follows people
- Language: laughs, vocalizes
All milestones at 4 months?
- Gross: sit with trunk support, no head lag, props on wrists, rolls front to back
- Fine: clutches at clothes, reaches persistently, plays with rattle, hands mostly open
- Visual: s