Seventh Grade Science Cell Theory quiz

  1. Who was one of the first people to look at cells?
    Robert Hooke
  2. What did Robert Hooke look at?
    A thin slice of cork
  3. What kind of microscope did Robert Hooke use to look at the cork?
  4. What did he call the empty spaces he saw? What does this mean?
    Cells, little rooms
  5. What kind of microscope did Anton van Leeuwenhoek use?
  6. Who was the first person to study bacteria?
    Anton van Leeuwenhoek
  7. What did Anton Van Leeuwenhoek see when studying lake water, teeth scrapings, and rain gutter water?
    One-celled organisms he called animalcules which we now call bacteria
  8. What were the names of the three German scientists who made important contributions to Cell Theory?
    Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf virchow
  9. What was Schleiden's contribution to Cell theory?
    That all plants were/are made of cells
  10. What was Schwann's contribution to Cell Theory?
    That all animals were/are made of cells so ergo all living organisms are made of cells
  11. What was Virchow's Contribution to cell theory?
    That all cells come from other living cells
  12. What is Cell Theory?
    A widely accepted explanation of the relationship between cells and living things
  13. What are the three statements of cell theory?
    • That all living organisms are made of cells
    • Cells are the basic unit of structure and function for all living things
    • All cells are made by other living cells
  14. What does Cell Theory apply to?
    Cell theory applies to all living things no matter how big or small they are
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Seventh Grade Science Cell Theory quiz
Made 1/22/13, quiz 1/23/13