Pediatrics - Lecture 3

  1. Life support depends on the recognition of abnormal cardiac ____ patterns and inadequate ______ of tissues.
    • Flow
    • Oxygenation
  2. What are the clinical signs of cardiac abnormalities in newborns?
    • Abnormal murmurs
    • Abnormal coloration (cyanosis, low o2 sats)
    • Abnormal vital signs
    • Continued murmurs
    • Arrythmias
    • Passing out
  3. By definition, congenital abnormalities are a result of something going wrong during ______ development.
  4. How is the office setting of a NICU different from an ICU?
    Larger rooms to accommodate family, diversions(entertainment) for the kids, generally more quiet
  5. Sedation (may/may not) be used when scanning infants.
    May, such as a warm bottle or other American Accademy of Pediatrics approved methods. 
  6. EKG input is (needed/not-needed).
  7. _____ help establish and display spatial relationships of one structure to the next.
  8. How long is a sweep?
    • 6-10 beats or 5 seconds
    • More w/ arrythmias
  9. The _____ plane is displayed w/ the superior images to the right of the screen.
  10. The ______ plane displays superior structures to the top of the screen.
    Coronal. (opposite of 4 chamber in adult echo)
  11. The _____ plane displays the anterior structures at the ____ of the screen and the left-sided structures to the viewer's right.
    • Horizontal 
    • Top
  12. The images should be ____ before the patient ____.
    • Reviewed
    • Leaves
  13. What view is potentially the best to start with?
    Subcostal if pt is compliant, may see entire cardiovascular system in neonates/young children.
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Pediatrics - Lecture 3
The pediatric echo exam