Refinery Safety Overview(RSO) 1

  1. What is the first process in refining crude oil?
  2. What is the process of breaking crude oil into fractions using heat?
  3. Distillation at high temperature takes place in which unit?
    Coker Unit
  4. What is used to speed up reactions?
  5. What is used to recover catalysts?
    • Ammonia NH3
  6. The FCC unit uses a catalyst that flows with the product that is later recovered.

    True or False?
  7. Reforming upgrades the octane by changing the shape of hydrocarbon molecules and puts them back together in a more desirable form.

    True or False?
  8. Hydrogen Sulfide, a component of crude oil, is probably the most lethal of the primary refinery hazards.

    True or False?
  9. What is the primary health concern for 

    H2S(Hydrogen Sulfide)?
  10. What is the main hazard for the Alkylation Unit?
    Hydrogen Fluoride or Sulfuric Acid
  11.             is a severe respiratory irritant.
    Hydrofluoric Acid(not coke dust)
  12.                 is a serious irritant to the eyes and respiratory system.
    Sulfuric Acid ( not coke dust)
  13. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)can be found where?
    Heaters, boilers
  14. What could be the effect of exposure to low levels of benzene over time?
    Blood changes, leukemia (cancer)
  15. What is the principal hazard for refineries?
    Fire and explosion
  16. Hearing protection is required at what level?
    85 dB (decibels)
  17. What is the purpose of a catalyst?
    Speed up chemical reactions
  18. Ammonia is used to do what?
    Neutralizing agent and corrosive control
  19. If acid penetrates the skin, what is being destroyed ?
    Deep body tissue
  20. What is the most lethal of the primary refinery hazards?
    Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
  21. Off all the hydrocarbons, which one poses the most serious long-term threat?
    Benzene (C6H6 )
  22. What is the process that brings elements to their boiling point?
Card Set
Refinery Safety Overview(RSO) 1
Process Overview and Hazards of the Process