National Bds

  1. List the elements of the Big 6 and a brief discription
    • 1. Task Definition~brainstorm ideas to solve problem, what students can do...
    • 2. Info Seeking~What sources can I use for this task, both print and online
    • 3. Location and Access~ Where will I find the info. How do I get the resources, teaching catalogue searching, table of content.
    • 4. Use of information~ notetaking, trash and treasure,
    • 5. Synthesis~ creating the project, powerpoint, iMovie, podcast etc.
    • 6. Evaluation~ using a ubric co-craeted by students we evaluate the project as well as getting feedback for the students.
  2. Hearing Impairment
    • visuals, signage with large print, presenting a single concept
    • Illustrations and print immediately recognizable (Language patterns, sentence structure, needs to be simple, Repitition and reinforcement helpful)
    • Captioned videotapes, CD-Roms, DVD's
    • Learn sign language
    • Audiovisual adapted materials
    • Front Row~Amplify System
    • Look at the student at all times, model, use visuals, Smart Bd, document cameras,
    • Accessing these from Captioned Media program
  3. What are the steps in the reconsideration/Challenge Components?
    • Listen to the challenge~Be serious, calm, courteous--Open lines of communication
    • Discuss the challenge-- explain about freedom of choice and library's role in serving ALL people and providing a collection with diverse viewpoints. Discuss parents role in supervising own child's library use and choices, Discuss library's materials selection poilicy
    • Provide challenge forms~ Give clear, non-intimidating explanation of the library procedures for registering a complaint and provide necessary form.
    • Explain how resolution is handled
    • Discuss appeal process
    • Keep careful records and communicate via written form-either email or letters to document
    • Report requests for reconsideration to admin as required by policy.
    • Provide instruction to reconsideration committee
    • Present the challenge to reconsideration committee along with a copy of the material being challenged
    • Make sure committee has read challenged materials
    • Present your reasons for keeping the material in circulation(ie, supports curriculum, diverse viewpoints, inteellectual freedom, ALA Bill of Rights)
  4. Library Bill of rights
    • Books and other lib. reasources should be provided for the interest, information and enlightenment of all in the community. Materials should not be excluded b/c of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
    • Lib. should provide materials &info presenting all view points on current and historical issues.
    • Lib. should challenge cencorship
    • Lib. should cooperate with all persons/groups concerned with resisting abridgement of free expression and access of ideas.
    • A person's right to use a library shouldn't be denied b/c of origin, age, background, or views.
    • Lib. which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of indiv or group requesting their use.
  5. Role of the collection

    Collection mapping
    • meet educational needs(curricular)
    • Ensure access
    • support, enrich, and enhance the curriculum

    • Titles may be outdated
    • Don't appeal to patrons
    • Long/Short term goals
    • Areas of weeding
    • Budget planning
    • Basecollection-must have
    • Core collection-what's unique to your school
  6. Book Journals
    • Booklist
    • Library Journal
    • School Library Journal
    • Follett Titlewave
    • LMNet
  7. Collection development
    • KNow community
    • Assess needs
    • Describe Program ie Programs author visits, media bookfairs, orientations
    • Selecting materials
    • Acquiring/Processing
    • Resources sharing
    • Maintaining and presertving materials
    • Accessing and circulating materials
    • Evaluate collection
    • Interaction of collection development activities
  8. Collection development activities
    • Become knowledgeable about existing collection
    • become familiar with schhol/community
    • assessing needs of schools curriculum &other programs
    • assessing specific needs of users
    • Est. collection development policies and procedures
    • ID criteria for selection of materials
    • Planning for implementing the selection process
    • Acquiring and processing materials
    • Participating in resource sharing
    • Maintaining and preserving the collection
    • Providing physical and intellectual access materials
    • Evaluating the collection
  9. Gardner's Multiple Intelligences
    • Visual Spacial
    • Bodily Kinestetic
    • Musical
    • Interpersonal
    • Intrapersonal
    • Linguistic
    • Logical ~mathematical
Card Set
National Bds
National Bds study cards