B&S Vocab

  1. femur
    thigh bone
  2. tibia
    large bone in lower leg
  3. fibula
    small bone in lower leg
  4. sternum
    area between the ribs, directly over the heart
  5. vertebral column
  6. cranium
  7. clavical
    collar bone
  8. scapula
    shoulder blade
  9. humerus
    bone in upper arm
  10. radius
    bone in lower arm on the thumb side
  11. ulna
    bone in the lower arm on the pinkie side
  12. carpals
    bones of the wrist
  13. metacarpals
    bones of the hand
  14. phalanges
    term used for the fingers and toes
  15. patella
    knee cap
  16. pelvis
    bone below the spine, think hips
  17. sacrum
    thick part of vertebral column near pelvis
  18. coccyx
  19. cells
    the simplest unit of life
  20. tissues
    many cells working together to perform the same job
  21. organs
    groups of tissues working together to perform a specific task
  22. organ systems
    groups of organs working together to perform a job
  23. organism
    groups of organ systems working together
  24. connective tissue
    holds other tissues in the body together
  25. epithelial tissue
    covers the outside of the body and lines stuctures on the inside of the body
  26. muscle tissue
    surrounds the bone and combines with other tissue to make organs
  27. nervous tissue
    allows the body to sense and respond to the environment
  28. compact bone
    hardest part of bones
  29. periosteum
    thin membrane that covers a bone
  30. spongy bone
    bone cells that make up the soft and spongy ends of bones
  31. joint
    place where tow or more bones meet
  32. ligaments
    tissue that connects bone to bone
  33. skeletal muscle
    attach to bones by tendons for movement
  34. smooth muscle
    found in the organs
  35. cardiac muscles
    found only in the heart
  36. involuntary muscles
    you don't have to think about it in order for it to work
  37. Muscles work ing ___________.
  38. digestion
    the breaking down of food into nutrients the body can use
  39. ingestion
    to eat or take food into the body
  40. chemical digestion
    using chemicals/enzymes to bread down food
  41. mechanical digestion
    using physical force to break food up (teeth/stomach churning)
  42. Mouth
    chemical and mechanical digestion occurs
  43. salivary glands
    where saliva is made
  44. taste buds
    bumps on your tongue that are sensory organs
  45. tongue
    muscle that pushes the food around and towards the throat
  46. peristalsis
    the process of pushing food through the digestive system
  47. esophagus
    the tube tht goes between the mouth and the stomach
  48. stomach
    mechanical and chemical digestion
  49. chyme
    the semiliquid mixture that leaves the stomach
  50. small intestines
    absorption of nutrients occurs here
  51. liver
    makes bile, cleans blood, breaks down red blood cells
  52. gall bladder
    reservoir for bile
  53. pancreas
    makes digestive juices and hormones
  54. large intestines
    absorbs the water, bacteria lives here
  55. rectum
    the storage place for feces before exiting the body
  56. anus
    the opening that feces exits
  57. menstruation
    the process of eliminating blood and tissue from the uterus each month
  58. vagina
    the birth canal
  59. urethra
    the tube that leads from the bladder to the outside of the body
  60. ovary
    where the woman's eggs are stored
  61. fallopian tubes
    the tube that leads from the ovary to the uterus
  62. uterus
    the womb, place where a fetus grows until ready to be born
  63. placenta
    the disposable organ that forms for a fetus to get oxygen and nutrients from the mother
  64. red blood cells
    carries oxygen, carbon dioxide to and from the body and lungs
  65. white blood cells
    disease fighters
  66. hemoglobin
    the component of red blood cells that allow them to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide
  67. platelets
    clotting agents - band aids for the blood vessels
  68. plasma
    the liquid part of the blood... carries nutrients, wastes, hormones
  69. heart
    organ responsible for propelling blood through the body
  70. veins
    blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart
  71. arteries
    blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart
  72. capillaries
    small vessels that connect arteries to veins
  73. larynx
    voice box
  74. trachea
    wind pipe
  75. lungs
    the main organ of the respiratory systems where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exhanged
  76. diaphragm
    the muscle that pushes and pulls air into and out of the lungs
  77. atrium
    upper chamber of the heart
  78. septum
    thick tissue wall that separatres the left and right sides of the heart
  79. valve
    thin flap of tissue that acts like a one-way door
  80. ventricle
    lower chamber of the heart
  81. aorta
    lragest artery in the body
  82. circulation
    movement of blood through the body
  83. pulmonary artery
    artery that carries blood from the heart to the lungs
  84. excretion
    the process of waste removal
  85. feces
    solid wastes that contain water, bacteria, bile, salts, and cellulos
  86. liquid wastes
    sweat, urine
  87. gaseous wastes
    carbon dioxide, farts, burps
  88. kidneys
    cleans the blood
  89. bladder
    the muscular bag that stores uring
  90. ureter
    the tubes that lead from each kidney to the bladder
  91. brain
    sends and receives signals via neurons, reponsible for movement, learning, speech, and thinking.
  92. neurons
    cells specific to the nervous system
  93. synapse
    the space between the dendrites of one neuron and the terminals of another
  94. dendrites
    the signal receivers of a neuron
  95. terminals
    the signal senders of a neuron
  96. cell body
    the main area of a neuron, contains the nucleus
  97. axon
    long thin fiber of the neuron between the cell body and the terminals
  98. light
    a form of electromagnetic energy that is made of photons
  99. What are the colors of the visible spectrum?
    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
  100. wavelength
    the distance between each peak of a wave
  101. prism
    a triangular piece of glass that breaks white light into different colors
  102. regular reflection
    when an image that is reflected is cleare
  103. diffused reflection
    when an image is blurry after being reflected
  104. concave lens
    lenses that spread light out
  105. convex lens
    lenses that focus light to a point
  106. focal point
    the point at which all the light is focused after going through a convex lens
  107. cone
    responsible for color vision and detail
  108. rod
    responsible for dark/light vision
  109. retina
    the thin membrane at the back of the eye that holds the photoreceptors
  110. photoreceptors
    the specialized neurons used only for vision
Card Set
B&S Vocab
Human Body/Brain and Senses Vocabulary