GCSE physics 2

  1. Stars dont stay the same forever . Oven billions of yeaRS the amount of hydrogen in a star decreases why 
    Converted into helium during nuclear fusion 
  2. describe how a massive star will change at the end of a main stable period
    • expands into a super red giant
    • expands and contracts in an explosion/supernova 
    • forms A neutron star and then a black hole
  3. the inner planets of the solar system contain atoms of the heaviest elements . Where did the atoms come from 
    b) that does this tell us about the age of the solar system compared with many of the Stars in the univers
    • Supernova
    • B) younger 
  4. scientists think that at all the eElements of earth are also present in the universe 
    Name the process by which these elements were formed  
  5. scientists think that at all the eElements of earth are also present in the universe , where did all the elements come from 
  6. What evidence is there to suggest that the sun was formed from the material produced when an earlier star exploded 
    Presence of nuclei from n heaviest stars 
  7. scientists think that at all the eElements of earth are also present in the universe
    what caused the elements to be distributed throughout the universe
  8. The sun is at that stable stage of it's life 
    Explain in terms of forces acting on the sun , what this means
    • It has 2 balancing forces 
    • gravity causing it to contract 
    • heat causing it to expand
  9. Explain how stars produce energy
    • nuclei of light elements fuse 
    • each fusion releases energy 
    • lots of reactions
  10. Explain what is meant by a black hole 
    Matter with such a high density that electromagnetIc radiation is pulled in 
  11. What is produced as the gases from a star spiral into a black hole 
    x rays 
  12. describe and explain the changes that could take place for a star to become a whittle dwarf 
    • Hydrogen used up 
    • expands 
    • becomes red giant
    • contracts under gravity 
    • forms a white dwarf 
  13. describe and explain the changes that could take place for a star to become a black hole 
    • It may explode 
    • and become a supernova throwing dust and gas into space leaving a dense neutron star 
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GCSE physics 2