FST / FAT / Problem Solving

  1. When are FST developed?
    MDMP during Receipt of Mission / Mission Analysis.
  2. How many and what the elements that comprise FSTs?
    • Four
    • 1. Task
    • 2. Purpose
    • 3. Execution
    • 4. Assessment
  3. ____- Specifies the "what" that fires must accomplish for a phase of the operation.
  4. ____- Specifies the "why" of the task which is the targeting objective against a specific target.
  5. _____- Specifies the "who, when and where" for each Task.
  6. How is the execution described? (hint: TTLODAC)
    • Target  #/Type
    • Trigger
    • Location
    • Observer
    • Delivery System
    • Attack Guidance / # of iterations
    • Communications networks
  7. The alternate method or additional information used to describe the Execution of FST is what? (hint: PPAR)
    • Priority
    • Positioning Guidance
    • Allocation
    • Restriction
  8. _____-establish criteria to measure task accomplishment  & assists in determination of re-attack criteria. (usually stated w/ MOE, MOP, or BDA).
  9. _____- Tasks the FA must accomplish to achieve a FST.
    Field Artillery Task (FAT)
  10. FATs are constructed in what format?
    • Task
    • Purpose
    • Method
    • Effects
  11. How many and what are the types of problems?
    • three
    • 1. Well-structured
    • 2. Medium-structured
    • 3. Ill-structured
  12. Where do FST originate?
    • From higher HQ directives (specified, implied tasks)
    • Commander's Guidance during MDMP (fire support planning guidance, recommendations from fires planning cell, & from other/special staff)
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FST / FAT / Problem Solving
FST, FAT and Problem Solving Classes for WOBC 1812.