
  1. radiosensitive material that receives the remnant beam and forms an image of the body part
    Image Receptor
  2. invisible image contained in film prior to processing
    Latent Image
  3. can be seen in film after processing
    Manifest or Visible Image
  4. emits light only when stimulated
  5. provides a dynamic (moving) image such as a patient swallowing barium sulfate.
  6. decrease in useful beam as it is partially absorbed by body part
  7. radiation remaining after passing through the body part – strikes the image receptor and forms the image
    Remnant Radiation
  8. continues to emit light after stimulation
  9. The purpose of intensifying screens is to ________________ the amount of exposure required to produce an
    • image.
    • decrease
  10. When using intensifying screens, _____% of the image is actually formed by light from the intensifying
    • screens striking the film.
    • 99%
  11. Screen __________ refers to how efficiently the screen converts x-ray energy to light energy. As screen
    • speed increases, the number of x-rays needed to produce adequate density ______________.
    • speed;decreases
  12. Higher speed screens are made by using a thicker _________________ and an increase in __________ size.
    phosphor layer; crystal
  13. A 100 speed screen is ___________(faster/slower) than a 400 speed screen. If 20 mAs is required using a 100 speed screen, __________ mAs is required using a 400 speed screen to produce an equal film density.
    slower; 5 mAs
  14. The ______________________ test is used to monitor screen film contact.
    wire mesh
  15. A layer of lead foil may be found in the back of a cassette to prevent _____________ from fogging the film.
  16. Pairing a green-light emitting screen phosphor with a film sensitive to green light is termed _____________________.
    spectral matching
  17. __________________________ are unwanted marks or images appearing on a radiograph.
  18. Film emulsion is composed of __________________________ suspended in _________________.
    silver halide crystals; gelatin
  19. _____19. Using a higher speed screen and decreased mAs results in

  20. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the film cassette?

  21. Poor film-screen contact results in:

  22. Refers to the property of a film which allows a large range of exposures that result in useful film density.
    Wide Latitude
  23. Refers to matching the color sensitivity of x-ray film to the color of light emitted by the intensifying screen.
    Spectral matching
  24. Refers to the practice of using the oldest film on the shelf first.
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final review