RT110 review

  1. What is Comton Effect
    Buschon: Scattering of x-ray that results in ionization & loss of energy
  2. How does Compton effect occur?
    Occurs when the energy of the incoming x-ray photon is much Greater than the atom's binding energy holding an electron in orbit & occurs in the Outter shell of the atom where the nuclear pull on electron is Weakest.
  3. What is Recoil Electron?
    An elcron ejected form an atom by Compton effect is called Recoil elctron
  4. What is Compton Photon?
    • Remaning x-ray energy is re-mitted as a secondary Compton photon--
    • which may be scattered in any direction
  5. Compton scattering (Buschon)
    Interaction between an x-ray & a loosely bound outer-shell electron that results in ioniazation & x-ray scattering.
  6. Thompson Effect?
    Energy of the is Less than the Binding energy of an orbital electron, Orbital electron absorbs the entire photon, but additional energy isnot sufficent to eject the electron from its orbit-heightened state of energy occurs.
  7. Thompson Scatter:
    Orbital electron absorbs entire photon, but can't  it eject from its orbit, causing heightend energy for a fraction of a second, then re-emitts the photon with its original engery. --unchanged in energy but may go in any direction = scatter
  8. Photoelectric effect:
    • Crucial to formation of radiographic image. Atom within the body completely absorbs one of the x-ray photons as the x-ray beam passes through the body
    • photon intersect an Orbital electron in on of the Innermost shells
  9. Compton is synonymous with?
    • Scatter, since 99% of all scattered x-ray phontons from compton interaction in the patient. =
    • Fog, reduces contrast ina n image, works against photelectric interactions.
  10. Thompson scatter is also known as:
    Unmodified sctter, Cohernet scatter, Classical Scattering
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RT110 review
Vocabulary review 110