
  1. antiembolic stockings
    "Elasticized stockings that prevent formation of emboli and thrombi, especially after surgery or during bed rest. (Potter 1178)"
  2. atelectasis
    "Collapse of alveoli, preventing the normal respiratory exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. (Potter 1178)"
  3. bronchospasm
    An excessive and prolonged contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi and bronchioles resulting in an acute narrowing and obstruction of the respiratory airway. (Potter 1179)
  4. circulating nurse
    "Assistant to the scrub nurse and surgeon whose role is to provide necessary supplies, dispose of soiled instruments and supplies, and keep an accurate count of instruments, needles, and sponges used. (Potter 1179)"
  5. conscious sedation
    "Administration of central nervous system depressant drugs and/or analgesics to provide analgesia, relieve anxiety, and/or provide amnesia during surgical, diagnostic, or interventional procedures. (Potter 1180)"
  6. embolism
    Abnormal condition in which a blood clot (embolus) travels through the bloodstream and becomes lodged in a blood vessel. (Potter 1182)
  7. general anesthesia
    Intravenous or inhaled medications that cause the patient to lose all sensation and consciousness. (Potter 1183)
  8. laryngospasm
    "Sudden uncontrolled contraction of the laryngeal muscles, which in turn decreases airway size. (Potter 1185)"
  9. malignant hyperthermia
    Autosomal dominant trait characterized by often fatal hyperthermia in affected people exposed to certain anesthetic agents. (Potter 1185)
  10. nasogastric (NG) tube
    Tube passed into the stomach through the nose for the purpose of emptying the stomach of its contents or for delivering medication and/or nourishment. (Potter 1186)
  11. operating room
    "(1) Room in a health care facility in which surgical procedures requiring anesthesia are performed. (2) Informal: a suite of rooms or an area in a health care facility in which patients are prepared for surgery, undergo surgical procedures, and recover from the anesthetic procedures required for the surgery. (Potter 1187)"
  12. outpatient
    Patient who has not been admitted to a hospital but receives treatments in a clinic or facility associated with the hospital. (Potter 1187)
  13. paralytic ileus
    Usually temporary paralysis of intestinal wall that may occur after abdominal surgery or peritoneal injury and that causes cessation of peristalsis. Leads to abdominal distention and symptoms of obstruction. (Potter 1188)
  14. perioperative nursing
    "Refers to the role of the operating room nurse during the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of surgery. (Potter 1188)"
  15. postanesthesia care unit (PACU)
    Area adjoining the operating room to which surgical patients are taken while still under anesthesia. (Potter 1188)
  16. preanesthesia care unit
    Area outside the operating room where preoperative preparations are completed. (Potter 1188)
  17. preoperative teaching
    "Instruction regarding a patient's anticipated surgery and recovery given before surgery. Instruction includes, but is not limited to, dietary and activity restrictions, anticipated assessment activities, postoperative procedures and pain relief measures. (Potter 1188)"
  18. presurgical care unit (PSCU)
    Area outside the operating room where preoperative preparations are completed. (Potter 1189)
  19. pulmonary hygiene
    "More frequent turning, deep breathing, coughing, use of incentive spirometry, and chest physical therapy (PT) if ordered. (Potter 1189)"
  20. regional anesthesia
    Loss of sensation in an area of the body supplied by sensory nerve pathways. (Potter 1189)
  21. scrub nurse
    Registered nurse or operating room technician who assists surgeons during operations. (Potter 1190)
  22. sequential compression stockings
    "Plastic stockings attached to an air pump that inflates and deflates the stockings, applying intermittent pressure sequentially from the ankle to the knee. (Potter 1190)"
Card Set
Surgical Week 1