8th grade final exam - Presidents

  1. Abraham Lincoln
    His election angers the South and leads to the start of the Civil War
  2. Andrew Johnson
    Led the Reconstruction of the South; first President to be impeached
  3. Ulysses S. Grant
    Former Commanding General of Union forces in the Civil War; administration plagued by scandals and corruption
  4. Rutherford Hayes
    Removed federal troops from the South; the end of the Reconstruction
  5. James Garfield
    Assassinated by a frustrated office-seeker in 1881
  6. Chester Arthur
    Elected President of the United States upon the assassination of Garfield
  7. Grover Cleveland
    Served two non-consecutive terms; vetoed numerous pension grabs
  8. Benjamin Harrison
    Signed the Sherman Silver Purchase Act and Sherman Antitrust Act
  9. William McKinley
    President during the Spanish American War; Panic of 1893
  10. Theodore Roosevelt
    Rise of Progressivism; promised Americans a Square Deal; conservation
  11. William Taft
    Brought numerous antitrust cases to court
  12. Woodrow Wilson
    President during World War I and establishment of the League of Nations
  13. Warren Harding
    Presidency plagued by scandals; died in office.
  14. Calvin Coolidge
    Emphasized thrift in government and conservative principles
  15. Herbert Hoover
    In office when stock market crashed and the economy collapsed.
  16. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Led the country during World War II; instituted the New Deal during the Great Depression
  17. Harry S. Truman
    Authorized the use of the atomic bomb against Japan
  18. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Supreme commander of the Allied troops in Europe during WWII; president during the Suez crisis
  19. John F. Kennedy
    President during the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis; assassinated while in office
  20. Lyndon Johnson
    Created the Great Society; president during the Vietnam War
  21. Richard Nixon
    Involved in the Watergate scandal; first president to resign from office
  22. Gerald Ford
    Granted pardon to the former president and Vietnam draft evaders and deserters
  23. Jimmy Carter
    President during the Iran Hostage Crisis and a struggling economy
  24. Ronald Reagan
    Know for his large tax cuts and increased military defense spending
  25. George H. W. Bush
    President during the First Gulf WarBill Clinton – President during the OK City bombing and the Second Gulf War; second president to be impeached
  26. George W. Bush
    President during the September 11th terrorist attacks; orders troops to invade Afghanistan and Iraq
  27. Barack Obama
    Health care reform; first African-American president
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8th grade final exam - Presidents
Presidents and key phrases that describe them