Biology final

  1. Describe the Rainforest
    • more than 100 in of rain every year
    • hot and humid
    • in U.S. is in florida
  2. Describe the Taundra
    • long winters and 2 month summers
    • extream weather
  3. Describe the Esturies
    • coast of cheesepake bay
    • where salt and fresh water mmet
  4. Describe the Grasslands
    • growing seans
    • in north dakota
  5. describe the Decidous forest
    • mild summers
    • located by oceans
    • mixed temps
  6. Describe the Coniferous Forest
    • Long winter and short summers
    • soil- nutrient
  7. Describe the Savanna
    • Mostly in Africa
    • 2 seasons (wet and dry)
    • wet- rain
    • dry- trees shed leaves to conserve water
  8. Describe the Dessert
    • hot/dry
    • caminals, snakes, elephants
    • sandy fragments, low salt concertration
  9. What are the 8 biomes
    • 1. Savanna
    • 2. Dessert
    • 3.Coniferous Forest
    • 4. Decidous Forest
    • 5. Grasslands
    • 6. Esturies
    • 7. Taundra
    • 8. Tropical Rainforest
  10. Whats mutualism and give example
    both organisms benefit: Clownfish and sea anemones
  11. What is parasitism and give an example
    one is benefit and the other is harmed: flea and dog
  12. What is commensalism and give an example
    one benefits and the other is neither harmed or benefits: Cattle Egret and horses
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Biology final