1. What is the doctrine definition for MDMP?
    an iterative planning methodology that integrates the activities of the commander, staff, subordinate headquarters, and other partners to understand the situation and mission; develop and compare courses of action; decide on a course of action that best accomplishes the mission; and produce an operation plan or order for execution
  2. Why is MDMP important to the planning process?
    MDMP facilitates Collaborative and parallel planning?
  3. During planning, an assessment focuses on developing an understanding of the current situation and determining what to assess and also how to assess progress. How do we measure that progress?
    • Measure of effectiveness
    • Measure of Performance
  4. What are some key trends throughout the MDMP process?
    Running Estimates and Updating Assumptions
  5. What are Running Estimates?
    the continuous assessment of the current situation used to determine if the current operation is proceeding according to the commander’s intent and if planned future operations are supportable
  6. What are some considerations for Running Estimates?
    •  Facts.
    •  Assumptions.
    •  Friendly force status.
    •  Enemy activities and capabilities.
    •  Civil considerations.
    •  Conclusions and recommendations
  7. Who are the most important participants within the MDMP process? Why?
    The Commander, because of experience, knowledge, judgement and they are overall responsible.
  8. During MDMP, the Commanders utilize a Design that focus their activities on ________, ________, and ________ the situation.
    • Understanding
    • Visualizing
    • Describing
  9. A Successful Staff Officer will have what 9 characteristics?
    • Competence
    • Initiative
    • Creativity
    • Flexibility
    • Loyalty
    • Confidence
    • Team Player
    • Effective Management
    • Effective Communication.
  10. What are the 7 steps of MDMP?
    How many substeps are in each?
    • Receipt of Mission (6)
    • Mission Analysis (19)
    • COA Development (8)
    • COA Analysis (8)
    • COA Comparison (3)
    • CAO Approval
    • Orders Production
  11. What are some input(s) for Receipt of Mission during MDMP?
    Higher HQs plan or order
  12. What are some output(s) during Receipt of Mission for MDMP?
    • CMDRs initial guidance
    • Initial time allocation
    • 1st WARNO
  13. During the 2nd substep of receipt of mission "gather tools" what tools are included?
    • Appropiate manuals
    • OPLAN and OPORD
    • Maps
    • SOPs
    • Running estimates
  14. What are some Targeting Officers responsibilities during MDMP?
    • Update Fire Running Estimates
    • Review higher HQs order
    • Present future and current targeting cycles
    • Gather tools (TSS, AGM, TSM, HPTL)
    • Work with BDE FSO
  15. When conducting initial Assesment, what are you assessing? What is the rule for assessing?
    Time allocation

    • 1/3-2/3 rule
    • 2/3 for subordinates to plan and prepare and 1/3 for CMDR and staff to plan and prepare
  16. What is included within the 1st WARNO?
    • Types of Operation
    • Location of Operation
    • Timeline
    • Initial movement and ISR directives
  17. During "Mission Analysis" the CMDR _______, ________, and _________information to orient themselves on the current conditions of the operational environment.
    Gather, analyze, and synthesize
  18. What is the most important step in MDMP?
    Mission Analysis
  19. What are some input(s) for Mission Analysis during MDMP?
    • HQs plan or order
    • Higher HQs IPB
    • Updated Staff estimates
    • Initial CMDR guidance
  20. What are two types of criteria in Mission Analysis?
    Screening and Evaluation
  21. What are the 4 steps to IPB?
    • Define the OE
    • Describe the enviromental effects on the operations
    • Evaluate the threat
    • Determines the threat COAs
  22. What is IPB?
    systematic, continuous process of analyzing the threat and operational environment in a specific geographic area.
  23. What is a specified task?
    task specifically assigned to a unit by its higher headquarters and is written in the Order
  24. What is an implied task?
    task that must be performed to accomplish a specified task or mission but is not stated in the higher headquarters’ order
  25. What is an essential task?
    specified or implied task that must be executed to accomplish the mission
  26. When determining "Constraints", where can you find the constraints?
    • Para 3 of the OPLAN or OPORD
    • Annexes
    • Verbally
    • Memorandums (Tactical Directives)
  27. What is Constraint?
    constraint is a restriction placed on the command by a higher command which dictates an action or inaction
  28. What is a Fact?
    Statement of truth or statement thought to be true which are conserning operational and mission variables
  29. What is an assumption?
    a supposition on current situation or presupposition on future course of events
  30. What are two types of risk within Composite Risk Mangement?
    • Tactical Risk- created from the enemy
    • Accidental Risk- which is from all others, friendly, civilians, and enviroment
  31. What two requirement make up the CCIR?
    PIR and FFIR
  32. Although EEFIs are not CCIRs, they have the ________ priority as CCIRs and require approval by the commander.
  33. What type of CCIR is needed for planning?

    What type of CCIR is needed for making decision during preparation and execution?
    Initial CCIR

    Post COA CCIR
  34. During substep 12 "Develop initial themes and messages", What is the difference between themes and messages?
    Themes are overarching and tie into objecticves and lines of operations and messages support the theme focus on specific actor in support of specific task
  35. What is a problem statement?
    a statement of the problem to be solved and requires CMDRs approval
  36. What is a mission statement?
    • A short sentence or paragraph that describes the organization essential task and purpose.
    • It ask Who, What, When, Where, Why
  37. What is a Tactical Mission Task?
    a specific activity performed by a unit while executing a form of tactical operation
  38. When presenting the Mission Analysis Brief, how does it help the commander?
    • informs him of the results of the analysis of the situation
    • helps him understand, visualize and describe the OPS
    • present a summary of the running estimates
  39. When developing and issuing the initial CMDR intent, decribe what the intent should look like?
    3-5 sentences, clear and easily understood two echelons down
  40. What two things does initial planning guidance outline?
    • Operational Approach
    • Specific COAs focus for the staff
  41. What type of criteria is developed during mission analysis?
    Evaluation Criteria
  42. What is the last substep within Mission Analysis?
    Issue 2nd WARNO
  43. How do TGT Officers support Mission Analysis?
    • Refine HPTL
    • Refine NAIs
    • Refine TSS/AGM
    • Update Running Estimates
    • Identify initial ATO requirements
  44. What is a COA?
    a broad potential solution to an identified problem
  45. Planners examine and or measure each prospective COA for validity using what type of criteria?
    Secreening Criteria
  46. Describe FASDC within COA Development
    • Feasibility- COA can accomplish the mission within time space and resources
    • Acceptable- COA must balance risk with advantage gained
    • Suitable- Is it within the CMDRs intent and planning guidance
    • Distinguishable- Each COA differ significantly
    • Complete- COA nust incorporate decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations
  47. When determining combat power, we analysis the forces ratio ________, __________, and _________ for both friendly and enemy.
    • Capabilities
    • Vulnerabilities
    • Resources
  48. The staff generates options based on what two things?
    • Commanders guidance
    • Combat power assessment
  49. What is the preferred technique for generating options?
  50. When generating options, the staff starts with which operations ________,
    then __________ operations,
    then __________ operations.
    • Decisive,
    • Shaping,
    • Sustaining
  51. Arrayal forces starting with the ________ operation and continuing with all _______ and ________ operations.
    decisive operation, and continue with all shaping and sustaining operations
  52. What is Array forces?
    determining the relative combat power required to accomplish each task.
  53. Planners may use both _______ and _______ to build their broad concept.
    lines of operations and lines of effort
  54. What summarizes the contribution of all warfighting function and is expressed how?
    Broad Concept

    narrative and graphics
  55. The statement and sketchs within the COA Development covers what?
    • Who - (task org)
    • What- (tasks)
    • when, where, why- (purpose)
  56. During the COA analysis, what are you war-gaming
    Critical Events
  57. What are the two forms of war-gaming?
    • Modern- Computer based
    • Manual- Mapcut
  58. What are the role playing methods during war-gaming?
    action, reaction, and counteraction
  59. What are some war-gaming rules to consider?
    • Remain objective
    • Record advantages and disadvantages
    • Continually assess FASDC
    • Avoid drawing premature conclusion
    • Avoid comparing one COA with another
  60. What is the critical input with COA analysis?
    Statement and Sketches
  61. How many paragraphs are with the OPORD?

    What are they?

    Situation, Mission, Execution, Sustainment, Command and Signal
  62. What are 4 attachments with the OPORD?
    Annex, Appendix, Tabs, Exhibits
  63. During orders production, the COA statement becomes What?

    The COA sketch becomes?
    Conceot of Operations

    Operation Overlay
  64. A Fire support Task format is comprised of what 4 elements?
    • Task
    • Purpose
    • Execution
    • Assessment
  65. A Field Artillery Task format is comprised of what 4 elements?
    • Task
    • Purpose
    • Method
    • Effect
  66. How many phases are with in the Consept of Operations?
  67. Describe TTLODAC
    • TGT #
    • Trigger
    • Location
    • Observer
    • Delivery System
    • Attack Guidance/# of iterations
    • Communications Network
  68. T/F

    Inductive reasoning is more accurate than Deductive Reasoning?
  69. What are the 3 types problems?
    • Well Structure
    • Medium Structure
    • Ill Structure
  70. What are the 7 steps to problem Solving
    •  Identify the problem.
    •  Gather information.
    •  Develop criteria.
    •  Generate possible solutions.
    •  Analyze possible solutions.
    •  Compare possible solutions.
    •  Make and implement the decision.
  71. T/F

    While conducting problem solving, opinions can not be discounted?
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