PSYC 3090

  1. physiological psychology
    known as psychobiology or behavioral neuroscience.
  2. physiological psychologist
    seek to describe the physical mechanisms of the body that mediate our behavior.
  3. consciousness
    refers to self-awareness and the ability to communicate our thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and memories
  4. corpus callosum
    is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres
  5. split-brain procedure
    the cutting of the corpus callosum, preventing the left and right cerebral hemispheres can’t directly communicate. Often the treatment for severe epilepsy.
  6. aphasia
    damage to the brain that causes a inability to carry out an action. There are varying degrees of impairment depending on how much of the area is affected. We specifically talked about Broca’s Aphasia (language impairment).
  7. plasticity
    which means it is capable returning to original shape or form
  8. generalization
    is the deduction of general laws, using results from experiments
  9. reduction
    is the use of simple phenomena to explain more complicated phenomena.
  10. model
    Theorized visual representation of an object.
  11. animal models
    Using animals such as mice, monkeys, etc in experiments because there are to many factors of working with humans.
  12. experimental ablation
    Destruction of brain areas and noting effects on behavior is one experimental method 
  13. functionalism
    is the belief that the characteristics of an organism serve some useful function
  14. natural selection
    suggests that characteristics that allow an organism to reproduce more successfully are passed on to offspring.
  15. evolution
    is the gradual change in structure and physiology as a result of natural selection.
  16. monism
    mind is a property of the physical nervous system (body)
  17. dualism
    mind and body are separate but interacting
  18. Discuss evidence that suggests consciousness is a physiological function.
    You can be in different states of consciousness. In order to have consciousness your corpus callosum must transfer the information from the right right to the left brain and vise versa.
  19. What do the behaviors of individuals who have a split-brain procedure tell us about brain
    That without the connection between the two you basically have to brains that operate differently yet have no way of communicating to one another.
  20. Explain what Darwin meant by the principle of natural selection.
    Natural selection simplistically is the idea that the traits that most benefit the survival of the animal are the ones are that are passed down from generation to generation.
Card Set
PSYC 3090
MWF 8:00-8:50