Comm. Theory Final

  1. The specific process of avoiding information that's discrepant from that which one already believes is called...
    Selective Exposure
  2. Cognitive dissonance will be great if the discrepant act is...
    Difficult to Reverse
  3. According to Festinger, the $1/$20 experiment illustrates...
    dissonance is created by a person doing something for a smaller reward.
  4. Dieter Frey found that selective exposure does not operate if...
    we do not regard the information as a threat.
  5. Elliot Aronson extended Festinger's theory by...
    (both a and b)
  6. The focus of cognitive dissonance is...
    Attitude Change
  7. According to Festinger's minimal justification hypothesis, the best way to affact long-term attitudinal change is to...
    persuade your subjects to change their behavior and their attitudes will follow.
  8. For Joel Cooper, dissonance is generated by...
    the knowledge that one's actions have unneccessarily hurt another person.
  9. Having run his own $1/$20 experiment, Daryl Bem argues that...
    self-perception is a simpler explanation of the observed behavior than is cognitive dissonance.
  10. Cognitive dissonance theory has been criticized for being too...
    difficult to test
  11. Post decision dissonance is likely to occure when an individual delays choosing between two equally attractive alternatives.

  12. Aronson holds that humans are not so much rational as rationalizing.

  13. The amount of dissonance a person experiences in inversley related to the effort invested in the behavior.
  14. One of the criticisms of cognitive dissonance theory is that it is too difficult to disprove.

  15. Cognitive dissonance theory suggets that when we make a major decision, we reduce potential dissonance by looking for justification before completing the action associated wiht the decision.

Card Set
Comm. Theory Final
BBA 15