Art final

  1. Line
    A line is the path of a moving point. It is a visual element. Lines are basic compositional building blocks and can also lead the eye, set a mood/emotion or create emphasis. Two broad, basiccategories of line are ACTUAL lines or IMPLIED lines
  2. Actual line
    Broad, basic category of line, these lead the eye and create mood
  3. Implied or psychic Line
    works to lead the viewer’seye into and through the composition. By implied or psychic, it is meant thatthese are not literal lines but our eyes follow a suggested or implieddirection. Can also make viewer feel mental connection.
  4. What is under the category of actual lines?
    Geometric and organic lines
  5. Geometric lines
    • Horizontal/ Diagonal/ Vertical
    • Horizontal suggests restfullness
    • Diagonal suggests motion
    • Vertical suggests stregnth and growth
  6. Organic Lines
    irregular lines that are often found in nature and lack a definite geometric form
  7. Contour line
    Contour lines define the edges of the subject.
  8. Cross Contour Line
    These lines enhance the sense of volume and dimensionality.
  9. Gesture line
    Drawn quickly and without detail
  10. Structural Line
    Structural lines reveal the various planes that establish a form and enhance the sense of volume and dimensionality of an object.
  11. Calligraphic Line
    Calligraphic lines are smooth, fluid lines exploring various degrees of value, weight, and width. They can suggest a light source.
  12. Mechanical Line
     Mechanical lines are constant incharacter, lacking changes in value, weight or width. They are used in tech.drawings or architectural plans
  13. Broken Lines
    Broken lines have parts missing from the image. The gestalt theory contends that our mind finishes the image without a lack of comprehension.
  14. Altered Line
    Altered lines are characterized by smearing, rubbing, blurring or erasing and can create a sense of imprecision, confusion or motion.
  15. Decorative Line
    Decorative lines embelish the subject. In the examples given it looked like swishy curly ques everywhere.
  16. Classical Line
    Classical lines are sensitively drawn in a traditional manner, giving a sense of depth as well as detail. Looks like average highquality drawing.
  17. Anatomical Line
    Anatomical lines reveal the underlyingform of the subject slightly less cleaner then classic lines, there are lines that aren't noticed at first glance but really do show underlying form.
  18. Angular (angry) line
    These are straight lines used to describe a subject that isn’t typically straight by changing curves into angles. If drawn aggressively, they can suggest anger.
  19. Color
    Reflection of light
  20. Optical mixing
    colors are mixed in eye
  21. additive
    mixing light. (How colors are mixed on computer screens / televisions)
  22. subtractive
    Mixing pigments (How colors are mixed in printers)
  23. 3 properties of color
    • Temperature - warm or cool
    • Value - Dark or light
    • Intensity - Bright is pure while dull is mixed
  24. 4 color systems
    • monochromatic- different shades or tints of the same color.
    • analagous - next to eachother on the color wheel
    • complementary- opposites on the color wheel
    • Triadic - 3 colors at ends of a triangle
  25. Tint
    White is added
  26. Shade
    Black is mixed
  27. Tone
    Mixing gray into a color
  28. Primary colors
    red blue yellow
  29. secondary colors
    violet green orange
  30. tertiary colors
    blueviolet redviolet redorange yelloworange yellowgreen bluegreen
  31. achromatic
    absent of color
  32. Idealism
    perfection, no flaws (Someones ideal woman)
  33. Realism
    As it is in real life - saggy skin and all
  34. surrealism
    so outrageously crazy that it can't be real
  35. Steps to abstraction
    • 1 simplification
    • 2 distortion
    • 3 break image apart
    • 4 move parts around
  36. cubism
    realistic parts replaced with geometric shapes
  37. visual elements
    • line
    • shape
    • value
    • color
    • texture
  38. design principles
    • Unity
    • focal point
    • Balance
    • Rhythm
  39. illusion of space
    gives a 2d design the illusion of a 3-d space
  40. one point linear perspective
    Lines that are parallel appear to converge and vanish at one point (vanishing point) on the horizon line.
  41. 2 point linear perspective
    Parallel lines converge at two vanishing points on the horizon line
    shapes whose boundaries usually consist entirely of curved lines.
    shapes whose boundaries usually consist entirely of straight lines.
  44. positive / negative shape integration
    being aware of the shapes created by the background.. bg is important too
  45. Tessellation
    nspace-filling pattern that repeats the same shape with the objects fitting together like pieces of a puzzle.
  46. Trompe l’oeil
    to fool the eye

    •Visual texture that is so extreme that it appears to be the real 3D object, not the 2D illusion.
  47. factors that effect texture
    • Material: smoothly blended charcoal as opposed to cross-hatched ink marks.
    • Support: smooth hot-press Bristol board as opposed to rough-toothed watercolor paper
  48. Simple repetition
    repeating object with no changes
  49. alternating repetition
    every other repeats, either by size or color
  50. progressive repetition
    objects repeats by small to large or large to small... creates strong eye flow.
  51. high key
    light in value
  52. Low key
    dark in value
  53. Chiaroscuro
    Italian term used to describe artistic device of using dramatic light and dark to imply depth or volume
  54. Contrast
    The relationship between light and dark
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Art final
art freaking final