Q2 warfarin(Coumadin)

  1. Medication class of warfarin(Coumadin)
    oral anticoagulant
  2. Route and dose of warfarin(Coumadin)
    • PO
    • IV
    • dose depends on PT or INR usually 2-10 mg/day PO
  3. Indications for warfarin(Coumadin)
    • thromboprevention (prophylaxis)
    • DVT Tx
    • PE
    • atrial fibrillation
    • post MI
  4. Normal PT/IRN values
    • normal- 1.0
    • therapeutic- 2-3.5
  5. What does the PT/INR measure
    the degree of which the pt blood coaguability has been reduced by the drug
  6. What should be avoided when on warfarin(Coumadin)
    Foods high in vitamin K(may decrease medication ability to prevent clots)
  7. Contraindications of warfarin(Coumadin)
    • pregnancy
    • Risk/actual acute bleeding
  8. Adverse effects of warfarin(Coumadin)
    • bleeding
    • Teratogenicity (bone malformations in a fetus occuring from dysfunctional calcium usage)
    • Skin necrosis if warfarin is not carefully initiated (procoagulable state in the first few days of therapy as functioning clotting factors are used up)
  9. MOA of warfarin(Coumadin)
    Warfarin is a vitamin K analog, and competitively inhibits vitamin K reductase which inhibition formation of factors II, VII, IX, X, proteins C and S
  10. What foods are high in vitamin K
    • kale
    • spinach
    • collard greens
  11. What herbals effect Warfarin
    • chamomile
    • garlic
    • ginger
    • ginkgo
    • licorice
  12. warfarin(Coumadin) interactions
    • High dose APAPAcetominophine
    • Furosemide
    • NSAIDs
    • Omeprazole
    • Seizure meds
    • ABX (antibiotics)( macrolides, metronidazole, cipro,emycin, cephalasporinis, sulfonamides)
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Q2 warfarin(Coumadin)
Q2 warfarin(Coumadin)