Chapter 14.2: New Horizons: The Portuguese and Spanish Empires (I)

  1. __took the lead of expanding, exploring the coast of __under __, whose motives were __ and establishing a __, and acquiring trade opportunities
    • Portugal
    • Africa
    • Prince Henry the Navigator
    • Christian spreading
    • Christian kingdom
  2. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: 1419
    • a.      1419: Prince Henry founded school for navigators on southwestern coast of Portugal
    •                                                               i.      After, Portuguese fleets searched for gold southward
    • 1.      1441, they reached the Senegal River, north of Cape Verde, and brought home black Africans, who were sold as slaves (est. 1000 slaves annually)
  3. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Portuguese creeps
    • a.      Portuguese crept down African coast, and in 1471, they discovered a new source of gold along coast of W. Africa
    •                                                               i.      Years later, they established contact with Bakongo
    •                                                             ii.      To facilitate trade in gold, ivory, and slaves, they leased land from local rulers and built stone forts along the coast
  4. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: India
    •                                                               i.      Hearing about route to India, the Portuguese went
    • 1.      1488: Bartholomeu Bias took advantage of westerly winds in the South Atlantic to round the Cape of good Hope, but his crew made him return
    • 2.      Ten years later: Vasco de Gama went around cape and stopped at several Muslim merchant ports along East Africa
    • a.      Then crossed Arabian Sea and reached port of Calicut, on coast of India on May 18, 1498
    •                                                                                                                                       i.      Sought Christians and spices, only found spices
    • b.      Lost two ships, but remaining ships brought back ginger and cinnamon
    •                                                               i.      Portuguese fleets returned annually to area, wanting to destroy Arab shipping and create spice trade monopoly
  5. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: 
    •                                                               i.      1509: Portuguese armada defeated Turkish and Indian ships off coast of India and imposed blockade on entrance to the Red Sea to cut off spice flow to Muslim rulers in Egypt and the Ottoman Empire
    • 1.      The next year seeing a need for a land base in the area, Admiral Afonso de Albuquerque set up port facilities at Goa, on the western coast of India south of Mumbai
    • a.      Goa= headquarters for Portuguese operations
    •                                                                                                                                       i.      Indians permitted to continue trade, but Portuguese raided their shippers
  6. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Search of spices: 1511
    •                                                               i.      1511: Albuquerque sailed into Malacca, which was transformed by Muslims ito thriving port and stopping point for spice trade
    • 1.      For Albuquerque, control of Malacca would serve two purposes:
    • a.      Help destroy Arab spice trade
    • b.      provide Portuguese with way station on route to Moluccas, then known as the Spice Islands
    • 2.      After bloody battle, the Portuguese seized the city and killed the local Arab population
    • a.      Initiated struggle between Portuguese and Arabs
  7. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Search of spices--> Malacca
    •                                                               i.      From Malacca, the Portuguese launched expeditions farther east, to China and the Spice Islands
    • 1.      There, they signed a treaty with a local ruler for the purchase and export of cloves to the European market= new trading empire now complete
  8. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Search of Spices--> Control of Spice Trade
    •                                                               i.      Within a few years, the Portuguese managed to seize control of the spice trade from Muslim traders and had garnered substantial profits for the Portuguese monarchy
    • 1.      Still, Portuguese empire limited
    • a.      Trading posts on India and China
    •                                                                                                                                       i.      They lacked power, population, and desire to colonize Asian regions
  9. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Success?
    • Guns and seamanship
    • naval technology, guns, tactics
  10. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire: Success--> Guns and Seamanship
    •                                                               i.      Guns and seamanship
    • 1.      First fleet small with three ships and twenty guns, enough for intimidation and self defense, but not military operations
    • 2.      Later ones were more heavily armed and could both intimidate and inflict severe defeats on naval and land forces
  11. I.                   The Development of a Portuguese Maritime Empire--> Success--> technology
                                                                  i.      They didn’t have monopoly on firearms and explosives, but their effective use of naval technology, heavy guns, and tactics gave them military superiority over lightly armed rivals
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Chapter 14.2: New Horizons: The Portuguese and Spanish Empires (I)
Europe and the World: New Encounters, 1500-1800