2012 LTC chapter 9 hard

  1. What was wrong with the man brought to Jesus when he arrived in his own town by boat?

    A) Paralysis
    B) Blindness
    C) He was mute
    D) He was deaf

    A) Paralysis

    (Matthew 9:1-2)
  2. Who said, "This fellow is blaspheming"?

    A) Pharisees
    B) Sadducees
    C) Teachers of the law
    D) Local citizens

    C) Teachers of the law 

    (Matthew 9:3)
  3. What led Jesus to say, "Which is easier: to say, 'Your sins are forgiven,' or to say, 'Get up and walk'?"

    A) A challenge by the Pharisees
    B) A Sadducee who atttempted to heal
    C) Fear that he might be crucified
    D) Jesus knew the thoughts of the teachers of the law

    D) Jesus knew the thoughts of the teachers of the law

    (Matthew 9:5)
  4. Who asked Jesus, "How is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast"?

    A) The Sadducees
    B) The teachers of the law
    C) John's disciples
    D) Andrew's disciples

    C) John's disciples

    (Matthew 9:14)
  5. What did the ruler who knelt before Jesus ask him to do to make his daughter live again?

    A) Pray for her
    B) Put mud on her lips, eyes, and nose
    C) Send his disciples to pray over her
    D) Put his hand on her

    D) Put his hand on her 

    (Matthew 9:18)
  6. Who does Matthew 9 say cried out, "Have mercy on us, Son of David"?

    A) Two blind men
    B) Two lepers
    C) Women at a well
    D) Peter and Andrew

    A) Two blind men

    (Matthew 9:27)
  7. After what miracle did a crowd say, "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel"?

    A) Water being turned to wine
    B) Healing of a demon-possessed mute
    C) Healing of a blind man
    D) Raising of a dead girl

    B) Healing of a demon-possessed mute

    (Matthew 9:33)
  8. Section Heading

    Jesus Heals a Paralytic

    Matthew 9:1-8
  9. Section Heading

    The Calling of Matthew

    Matthew 9:9-13
  10. Section Heading

    Jesus Questioned about Fasting

    Matthew 9:14-17
  11. Section Heading

    A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman

    Matthew 9:18-26
  12. Section Heading

    Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute

    Matthew 9:27-34
  13. Section Heading

    The Workers are Few

    Matthew 9:35-38
Card Set
2012 LTC chapter 9 hard
Hard study questions from chapter 9 of Matthew, including chapter headings.